Talk pt.1

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After I was finally able to sit up, I was accompanied by a bunch of fluffy pillows so I could sit straight.

The doctor who wanted to talk shooed the other nurses and doctors so I wouldn't feel stressed out.

But honestly, I didn't think anything could make me feel even worse.

I was responsible for my friend's death. I could've been useful for once. But instead, I got lost in the moment. I was too late to turn around. I was too late to push her out of the car's range.

I thought for a moment.

Who was in the car anyway?

A normal driver would have stopped in time. Instead, it seemed as if the car driver had no idea what was happening, or paid little attention. So there was probably a chance that it was a drunk driver, or a person driving with an unclear focus.

So it couldn't have been my fault, right?

Suddenly, I heard a small cough interrupt my thoughts. I looked up to see a concerned doctor staring right into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I started to apologize. "I didn't realize you were h-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the doctor held up his hand and looked down at his paper, scribbled with notes.

He let out an audible sigh and looked up to face me again.

"I hope you had enough rest before I came here," he started. "I also assume you had good company, too."

My mom had visited me an hour before my doctor came in. She said that my dad was on a really important business trip, so he couldn't come. He was planning to tell me the night of the accident, but I was rushed to the hospital instead. Mom also said that even though he was away, he was really worried and he hoped that I was okay.

I am okay, or at least, I think.

I wasn't so sure if there was anything wrong with me or not. I just wanted to get out of this stupid room and go home. I missed my bed. I missed the days I didn't have to pee in a bowl. I missed my mom's fluffy, Saturday pancakes.

I could almost taste the sticky, maple syrup in my mouth, along with juicy, big strawberries and a chunk of pancake.

I started to daydream about Saturday morning breakfast until I realized I was zoning out.

I blinked fast to snap out of it and looked and my doctor, who was concerned about my behavior. I could feel my face burn pink.

"I'm so sorry, I zoned out. What were you saying?"

My doctor chuckled a little bit and looked at me with a sincere smile.

"Now, now. There's no reason to apologize. I can tell you're just missing home."

It was like he could read my mind. I wondered if I thought of a number in my head, he could guess what number I was thinking about. I nodded my head slowly and looked down.

"Are you okay, miss Faith?"

Am I okay?


I looked up again. He was still waiting for my reply.

To be continued in part 2...

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