Chapter 8- Never Forgotten

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Warnings: DID-like Symptoms

The next morning the actors were all asleep in the living room, absolutely refusing to be away from the supernatural family. Chris was moving like normal thanks to Damon's blood. He was out checking the surroundings with Stefan. Once they arrived back, Crystal nervously walked over to him. She wasn't sure how to address him since she played Allison but Chris wasn't familiar with her. But she was close friends with Jr Bourne who played Chris Argent.

"Mr. Argent," Crystal said, making him look at her, "Hi, I'm Crystal Reeds. You saved my life last night. I wanted to thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, Crystal," Chris said, giving a gentle smile.

She beamed and walked away. Sam handed him a breakfast burrito.

"Breakfast," Sam said.

Chris grabbed his wrist and pulled him beside him. Sam obeyed his movements.

"Your leg feeling alright," Sam asked.

"Mhm," Chris said, leaning against Sam's chest, "It's much better."

Sam smiled as Chris played with his hand, tracing gentle circles in his large palm.

"About last night," Chris said, "Thank you for saving my ass. I was an idiot for hesitating."

"You saw our Scott for a brief moment," Sam reasoned, watching his hand trace circles on him, "I would've been more concerned if you killed without hesitation."

Chris smirked.

"You think the others figured out how to get us back home yet," Chris asked.

"This is Stiles we're talking about," Sam said, "If anyone is going to figure out how to get us home it's going to be him."

Stiles wrote idea after idea but each one had a massive hole that could lead to a million things going wrong. He tore out yet another page and sighed frustratedly. His hands tangled in his hair as he brushed his head with his palms.

"C'mon, Stiles, think," Stiles snapped at himself.

A nearby sound made his attention perk. His eyes caught sight of his son walking towards him.

"Hey, dad," Eli said, setting down a plate of food, "I thought you'd be hungry."

"Thanks, kiddo," Stiles smiled softly, taking the plate.

"Are you stuck," Eli asked, glancing at the pile of paper on the ground beside him.

"A little," Stiles sighed, "It's a bit difficult when I don't have extra help as I used to."

"You're talking about the Nogistune right," Eli asked, recalling his stories of the spirit possessing his dad's body.

"Yeah," Stiles said.

"You never told me why he left," Eli said, "What made him hide away?"

Stiles recalled what happened.

"It's a long story," Stiles said, zoning out a bit.

"Do you know why an alcoholic usually drinks or why an addict does drugs," Eli asked, "It's because they're running. Something happened and they're avoiding it. But at the end of the day, the problems follow them. Dad, the more you run, the worse things will get. It hurts to face your issues but that pain will not last forever. Running from it, however, will last your whole life."

Eli smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Some food for thought," Eli shrugged, getting up.

He walked away, leaving Stiles alone again. He sat still chewing on Eli's words. As he sat there it crossed his mind that his son was more mature than he thought.

"Void... I know you can hear me," Stiles said to the empty room, "Can we talk? I need your help..."

Once he received no response back Stiles got frustrated.

"Fine, FINE," Stiles snapped, "Be that way, you absolute dickhead!"

He got up and went to his bedroom. Derek was in the room fast asleep with their youngest beside him. Stiles carried Nick to his bed and went back to his room. He climbed into bed after Derek and fell asleep.

Stiles opened his eyes to see himself in a forest. He sat up and glanced around. He hadn't entered the forest in forever. Fireflies flew around him, lighting up the greenery around him. The moon shone brightly as his eyes glanced upwards.

"Mieczyslaw... Come to me..."

Stiles got up and followed the voice egging him to step closer. He stopped at a pond and looked down. In the water, he saw a hand reaching upwards. Stiles leaned down and grabbed ahold of it. The hand pulled him into the water and quickly the scenery changed to a large living room. Inside Void and Simargl sat together. As Stiles looked at his long-time guide the memories of their downfall replayed in his head. Stiles quickly showed respect to the entities present. He knelt in front of them, lowering his head.

"You answered my call," Stiles said, keeping his head down, "Thank you... Thank you so much."

A hand extended in front of his face, making him look up. Void stood there, his dull eyes giving a light twinkle of joy.

"I'll always answer your call, Stiles," Void said.

Stiles accepted his hand and stood up.

"Tell us what you need, little one," Simargl said, making himself comfortable on the large rug.

"I'm sure you guys sense what is going on in my dimension," Stiles said, glancing at the large wings resting on Simargl's back, "There are multiple dimensional doors opened. I have no idea what I'm doing or how to close them. I can use some guidance... Please."

Simargl gave a low rumble that sounded like a chuckle.

"You need to speak with the other one for that," Simargl said.

"Other one?"

"The Guardian living inside of you, Stiles," Void said, "He is the one who will tell you how to close the doors to the dimensions and fix what happened."

"How do I find him," Stiles asked.

"Simple really," Void said, "Slow your heart rate to near death in an ice bath. From there reach out to him. But for the love of all things evil have an anchor to pull you back out. Understand?"

"Yes," Stiles said.

"Also, I will create a door to get you to your family," Simargl said, "But do not leave that dimension until the doors are closed there. Those people are vulnerable, they need your help or else chaos will engulf their world."

"Understood," Stiles said, smiling, "Thank you... I mean that."

"Don't thank us yet, little one," Void said, allowing Stiles to wake up.

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