Prologue: New Neighbor

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Author's note:  Just as the description says this story is a work of fiction and made up obviously. This story was made for fun. Any events in the story that may have happened in real life are a coincidence or a reference. I may alternate some reference to make the story line smooth and if I made a mistake whether it's grammar error (there could be one here for all I know),  wrong information, or something in the story is inconsistent, please let me know! I appreciate fixing those to make my a little story better and not make myself look like an idiot. I'll have another note at the end of the chapter.

This is also kind of new territory for me writing about because I usually have an anime episode or manga chapter to refer to, so writing this story I had to rely on the YouTube videos/clips along with reading from other stories about Suisei and other Hololive members which I highly recommend checking those stories out within the suisei tag and hololive tag (unless you have seen some of them) because I really enjoyed their work and motivated me to write.

Enjoy the read.



Italics = Character's thoughts

Bold = Timeskip/Transition/POV change


To think one simple move would make my life interesting experience let's say, due to the ups and downs I went through....

Naoya's POV

I'm Kido Naoya. I was around 10 years old when my mom and I had finally moved into a new house. I wasn't too attached to our old house since it was pretty small and not much happened there...well except for when dad left a few months ago.

He just left us one day and didn't say anything to me or my mom aside from a letter asking for a divorce that she received and I didn't really know how to deal with that kind of situation. I was lost, confused, and even a bit angry about it while my mom was pretty sad about it, so I tried my best to make her happy and help her as much as I could.

It took some days, but mom started to smile again. After a few days that's when she suggested we should move so that it's like a fresh start. It took several months since finding the right house wasn't easy for mom, but she eventually was able to find the house we are currently moving our stuff into.

We got to the new house in the morning where after some time mom and I managed to get most of our boxes inside the house but there were still plenty of boxes that we still had to move in.

"This might take longer than I thought. Naoya dear, if you want you can rest and play around the house."

I was just putting down a box that had my clothes in them and turned towards mom

"But, I still want to help you mom. There's still some boxes we have to get."

"Always wanting to be a hard worker aren't you?" Mom smiled at me.

"Same to you mom." I smiled back.

Then there was suddenly a knock at our door and a voice that spoke.

"Um, excuse us, sorry for intruding!"

Mom and I turned towards the entrance of the house and saw a lady waving at us along with a young girl with blue hair who looked to be the same age as me at the time.

"My daughter and I were just walking back to our home and when we got near our gate we noticed the moving truck and your front door open, so I thought we would stop by and introduce ourselves to our new neighbors. We're the Hoshimachi's!" the lady said.

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