First Year: First Day

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Author's Note: I typed out a lot more than I originally had. Oh well, hope you enjoy.



Italics = Character's thoughts

Bold = Timeskip/Transition/POV change


5 years later...

3rd Person POV

April 7th

Naoya is now 14 and soon to be 15 years old and is starting his first year in high school. He already got dressed and had breakfast. He then pulled out his phone and saw the time.

"Two hours until the ceremony starts. Better start going." He said to himself. Grabbing his bag and leaving his room he went to his front door.

He put on his shoes and opened the front door to leave. "Mom, I'm heading off now!"

"Okay dear! Have a great first day and tell Sui-chan a good morning for me!" She replied.

"I will." He then closed the door and walked over to Suisei's house.

Once at her front door, he rang the doorbell as he waited. When the door opened he was greeted by a pink haired girl.

"Oh, hey Naoya!"

"Hey Anemachi. Is Suisei up yet?"

"You should know the answer to that."

"I thought so..."

"Come on in for a bit. I'll go wake her up and let her know you're waiting for her."

Naoya took a seat on the couch and took his phone out as he waited in the meantime. While he was reading on his phone he heard some commotion going on.

"Give me 10 more minutes!"

"It's your first day of high school and Naoya is waiting for you! Now get up you lazy bum!"

"Ugh, I hate mornings! Just let me sleep a bit longer!"

Naoya snickered and shook his head from the commotion going on.

"Oh, Naoya-kun. Good morning." He turned his attention to the voice. It was Anemachi and Suisei's mom.

"Good morning Mrs. Hoshimachi." He bowed.

"Formal as usual I see."

"I try to be for the most part." He smiled.

She laughed a bit. "Speaking of usual, Suisei is still lazy about getting up for school, that girl doesn't change."

"She really hasn't."

"Well it was a nice small chat Naoya-kun." She waved him goodbye before she left the living room.

Anemachi then showed up in the living room. "She finally got up, so give her some time to get ready."

Naoya nodded. "By the way, where's your dad? I haven't seen him yet this morning."

"Oh, he already left for work before you arrived."

"Ah, I see. I did notice the car missing where it's usually parked."

"I noticed you're always observant with your surroundings most of the time Naoya."

"It's just curiosity or something that gets to me."

Anemachi just shrugs.

After chatting with Anemachi for a bit. Suisei finally showed up.

"Morning Nao-kun!"

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