Presents and the Past

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Author's Note: Chapter 3 is finally done. Also I'm super excited to go to the HoloEN concert in July even more now since they just announce Suisei, Sora, and Marine will be guests there, yesterday. Can't wait to see Suisei and the others live! Anyways, hope you the chapter enjoy.



Italics = Character's thoughts

Bold = Timeskip/Transition/POV change


3rd Person POV

April 10th

"Happy Birthday to Naoya!" Naoya's mother and the Hoshimachi family cheered.

Naoya then blew out the candles on the cake and everyone in the room began clapping.

"Thanks everyone." He smiled.

"What did you wish for Nao-kun?" Suisei asked.

"If I told you it wouldn't come true now would it?"

"Oh, come on! You know it's just superstition! Now tell me what it is!"

"Why do you want to know so badly?" Naoya says with some irritation.

"Is it wrong for someone to ask their friend what they wished for?"

"Don't answer my question with another question!"

"Suisei, you should mind your own business if he doesn't want to share."

"Oi, stay out of this Sis!"

Naoya pinched the ridge of his nose. "You're saying the same thing I'm telling you but to Anemachi!"

"Alright I think that's enough, let's start cutting the cake before Naoya gets a headache." Naoya's mom said.

"I think it's already too late." Naoya sighs, rubbing his temples. He then turns towards Mrs. Hoshimachi. "By the way, thank you for baking the cake again Mrs. Hoshimachi." He says while his mother begins cutting a slice.

"Actually Naoya, it was Anemachi that made the cake this time. She wanted to try to bake one and saw this as an opportunity."

"I hope you don't mind Naoya." Anemachi said.

"Not at all. I don't mind. I'm actually looking forward to trying it now." He responded. He was then given the first slice of cake and took his first bite. "Wow. It tastes good! The only thing I have to say about it though, is that I think you added too much frosting to it than needed. Aside from that it's still great!"

"I appreciate the feedback! I'll make sure to make a note of that next time I bake it."

Some time has passed, Naoya was now sitting at the dining table where he was just on his phone and looking through a list of job offers.

"You should be enjoying your party. Not just using your phone Naoya."

Naoya looked up from his phone and next to him was Anemachi and Suisei's dad. He then looked around and saw his mom and Mrs. Hoshimachi talking to each other near th. Suisei and Anemachi were also having their own conversations in the living room.

"Not many people I can converse with at the moment sir." Naoya answered.

"You know it's been a while since we last chatted hasn't it? How's the first few days of high school been treating ya?" Mr. Hoshimachi asked.

"It's been going well, so far. I'll have to see how things will be as I get further into the school year."

"I see and do you have any plans for this year?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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