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Haneul's POV

I stood outside of the terrace of the venue, there were a few people in the terrace as well, but they were busy talking to their partners or friends.

Yoongi had to talk to someone so he excused himself for a moment which I didn't mind. I was with the girls awhile ago but it suddenly felt stuffy in the venue so I told them I wanted to step outside for a moment for some air.

I sighed in relief as the fresh air hit me, it was slightly cold, but not uncomfortably cold. I then thought of the dance me and Yoongi had, I really felt like Cinderella, dancing with prince Charming.

"Here you are." I turned around and saw Yoongi, he held two drinks in his hands. "Sorry, I wanted to get some fresh air." I said and he stood next to me. "It's okay, here, it's just lemonade." He said as he handed me one of the glasses. I took it and thanked him.

"Cheers?" Yoongi said as he raised his glass to me, I clinked my glass with him and we took a sip of our drink. "What do you think of the party?" He asks. "I think it's entertaining, I enjoyed the dance and the girls were really nice." I said as I sipped on my drink.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Angel." He said and I smiled. I put my glass down on the terrace ledge and sighed. "Thank you for bringing me Yoongi." I said, he also put his drink down and cupped my cheek with his hand. I couldn't help but feel flustered by his sudden action.

"Of course, I also enjoyed showing off my Angel." Yoongi said, caressing my cheek, he moved his hand from my cheek to my chin.

He leaned in and my heart beat went crazy. He closed his eyes and...kissed me.

My eyes widened in surprise but I melted into the kiss.

We pulled away, I felt myself blush and look away from him from embarrassment, Yoongi chuckles.

"Here Angel." He said as he placed his coat on my shoulders. "It's getting cold and late, do you wanna go home?" He asked. I nodded.

Did that just happen?

He guided me back inside and we went to say goodbye to the girls and his friends. "Guys we're going home now, it's getting late." Yoongi said. "Sure, it was nice meeting you Haneul." Namjoon said.

"Yeah, let's hang out some time!" Hwasa said and I smiled. "Of course, I had fun with all of you." I said and we said good bye one last time before heading out to wait for valley to get Yoongi's car.

His car drove in and valley handed Yoongi the keys, he helped me in the passenger seat before he got in.

He started the engine and we left the party, the car ride was comfortably silent. A few minutes later we arrived at the front of my apartment. I took of his coat. "Thank you for tonight Yoongi." I said as I handed him his coat, he took it and smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed Angel, I'll see you later?" He said and I nodded. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I was surprised and felt flustered. "Good night Angel." He said.

I just smiled and got out of his car, shutting the door and walked to the front and opened the apartment door. Yoongi honked his car horn and drove off.

I got in the apartment, taking off my heels and sighing in relief.

What a night.

I set my heels aside and walked in the living room, the lights were off but the TV was on. I looked over at the couch and saw my younger brother lying down asleep.

Aish this boy.

He fell asleep while watching TV.

I went to grab a blanket and then draping it over Jungwon, so he doesn't get cold. I bent down and kissed his forehead before heading into my room to get ready for bed.


Is he truly doing all this for me?

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