Once I fucking finally got home from school, I threw my bag in my room and told my dad about going to the park. He said yeah and let me go.Once stepping onto the concrete of the basketball court, a wave of anxiety hit me. They weren't here yet. What if they ditch me? What if they died? Did they forget? Are they grounded? They played me, they're not going to come... Figures. I huffed at my racing theories and pulled up the headset around my neck. The rapid and heavy music hit my ears and i was instantly detached from the world around me. I walk over to the hoop and sit against the metal. I look up at the hoop above me and wince at the sunlight that went almost instantly in my eyes. Looking back down, I pull my legs up and hug them. I close my eyes and wait.
A tap on my shoulder brings me back to reality, making me raise my head to look at who did it. Stan stood above me, Kenny's ball under his arm. I sigh and pull my headphones off and stand. guess I was wrong; they didn't ditch me. god- I can get so overreactive at times.
Behind Stan I can see the rest of them coming up onto the pavement that was the basketball court. when I turned back around stan was already dribbling the ball, ready to play. Kyle hopped in-between us and snatched the ball, shooting it. That was my indication that the game had started.
Mid game Kenny grabbed the ball and started to dribble it, but I was more focused on the road behind us. I didn't know why, I just was. My eyes were glued to the road, seemingly zoned out on it- but that all stopped when a fat simi truck came through and collided with a small white truck, sending it our way at an incredible speed. "Kenny watch ou-" the massive simi drove through Kenny at an incredible speed, splattering red and orange everywhere. Thankfully, it slid in-between us all and dodged every one of us. I screamed when the truck stopped right Infront of my face, only so many inches between me and a fate like Kennys. When the smoking truck stopped, I finally stepped out and around to see if the rest of them were okay. Cartman was leaned over gagging from the smoke, but other than that he seemed fine.
Next to him was Stan and Kyle, both passed out and bruised in the bushes. "Stan! Kyle!" I shouted, rushing over to them in tears. I fell onto my knees and shook each of them frantically. "Wake up! Wake up! Come on!" I cried.
Soon, they both started to wake, Stan was the first to, crawling up and helping me with Kyle. Kyle grabbed onto my arm and leaned against Stan as he rose up. I noticed a branch sitting torn apart behind them, indicting that it was probably the reason they were knocked out. Grunts of pain were shared between all four of us, until each of us were up and (mostly) well... Wait-
"Oh my god, They killed Kenny!" Stan shouted.
"You bastards!" Kyle responded.
I looked where they were looking, a gasp leaving my mouth. Guts and organs were spread apart like flora amongst a fat splatter of red and orange under and around the smoking simi that crashed into kenny moments ago. Only a day into my new life at south park, and somebody was already dead. I shook, pupils thin and my lids wide open as i stared at the scene. "Fuck- not fucking again!" I shout, stomping my foot, "I'm not doing this shit again!" I continue, tears streaming down my cheeks. I frantically look around. "I- I gotta go- I'm sorry... Sorry about Kenny..."
My feet take speedy steps until I'm away from the mess, then I burst into a full ass sprint home to escape a repeat of what I thought I was getting away from. I pass by houses and shove through people, crying and thinking about how it was before i moved- how shit was so fucking dangerous around me and how I was so scared of everyone dying- because that's what they did. My friends and family- maybe a little after i got the slightest attached- dead. It was like a curse. My dad told me it was the dirtiness and lack of wealth making people more prone to accidents and disease- but now that I've gone away from it and this happens? What do I do? Will everyone I love and trust die? Fucking- fucking hell!
Making it to my house, I go through the front door and rush up to my room to hide. "I can't do this shot! I can't I can't I can't!" I say, now leaning against the inside of my door. Crying louder, I pull my headphones back up and curl into a tight ball. The music helps a bit, enough to help me feel like actually getting my wobbly ass of the floor and in my bed to sleep, but besides that, fuck me. I bet it's all my fucking fault and I'm cursed to be alone or some shit.
Well- regardless of sudden death or not- I need my sleep for school. So, I pass out with dry tears stuck to my face and my headphones stuck uncomfortably between me and my pillow.
Kenny McCormick x Male Reader!