Hunting a Bat Part 5

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Alright, so not much to say, this time but wow, hope you all are ready for this one for a few reasons, Zatanna is one of the few characters that it is hard to write for, rather because of her lew clothing or how easy she can deal with a problem but here we go

--- (y/n)'s pov ---

I take in a breath after slipping on my clothes and close me eyes before opening my left eye as I feel a slight burn in it

"Ha, already getting ready for a fight?" A voice asks to which i just ignore as I slip a throwing knife in my hoodie pocked before I open my door to which I gasp as if I was just punched in the lungs as I fall to my knees and my hands cover my left eye as i breath

"Oh shit, how much magic power does the person down there have" the voice from before asks as I just stay in the same place, breathing as the feeling of fear starts to form in his head

--- No Pov ---

(Y/n) keeps breathing but it slowly becomes slower and calmer as his eyes change into a light blue as he stands up and takes a deep breath and lets out the air he has in his lungs with a sigh

'That kid wasn't ready for this amount of magic power this close out of nowhere, good thing I shielded the room with that magic circle' (y/n)? says as he looks back at the door to see a triangle in the middle of a circle with a circle on each point of the triangle with it all being in a circle

'But what has this much power' (y/n)? thinks as he starts walking down to the ground floor and sees a young woman in a white button up shirt with a black vest on over it, with black lether pants with a black belt and silver buckle, and black heels on her feet with a black top hat with a red cloth around it, and a pair of white gloves on her hands, she has black hair that reaches her upper back and blue eyes, she stands at 5'7 feet tall

(Y/n)? Stands in place and just looks at her with his mouth hanging open before he shakes his head and takes a breath

'Shit, she is hot, and the kid is the people person, but she is letting off so much magic energy' (y/n)? thinks as he walks to the door and walks out and lets out a sigh before walking off

--- over with the black haired female [it's zatanna btw] ---

"Hi, I am looking for someone with the first name (y/n), they have white hair and a thin body, have you seen him" the black haired female asks the old guy sitting behind a counter of the hotel with a tired look on his face

"I don't know that name but someone with white hair just left through the door" the old guy says looking up at her as she looks dumbstruck that she was that close and didn't even notice

"Thank you" the black haired female says before quickly moving to the door and seeing that no one was there and she gets an idea and looks back at the old guy to see he was reading a book so she closed the door softly and walked up the stares

--- back with (y/n) ---

(Y/n)'s eyes where back to there normal (e/c) color as he walks out of the bakery called 'the hero's cream' with a box full of bomboloni with a smile on his face as he holds the door open for someone

"I'll be back next week for more" he says to the old lady with a smile before letting the door close and walking away with a smile on his face

'These are going to taste so good' (y/n) thinks to himself as he is making his way to park where he is going to meet up with barbara to spend some time together

'I wonder, has she ever had a bomboloni before, if not I might be able to talk her into it' he thinks keeping his smile not knowing that a group of three guys where following after him [it's still gothem, crime happens everywhere]

--- back at (y/n)'s hotel, outside his room ---

'Hmm, this should be his room from what i gathered from the neighbors, they really seem to think kindly of her' the black haired female thinks to herself as she tries to twist the handle only for it to be locked

'Thought that would be the case' she thinks to herself and as she is about to say something her phone rings in her pocket, to which she pulls it out and answers it

"Hello?" She asks over the phone as she turns away from the door and leans on it

"Hey love, I need a hand" a british voice asks on the phone to which she lets out a sigh

"John, what's wrong this time" the black haired female asks over the phone

"Well love, that fucken bastard brother night is in gothem, bats just called me and said to inform you, as for why me to call, I have no fucken clue why" he says over the phone before hanging as the female with black hair lets out a sigh

'Of all the times, guess i'll just have to wait learn more about him after a actual meeting' she thinks to herself while looking at (y/n)'s room door and letting out another sigh before using her hat to teleport away

--- end of part ---

Alright, i know this part was shorter but i am tired when writing when writing this pary but the next part will have his little date at the park

And here is two pics of zatanna for the fun of it also how many of you notice that she exposes her panties for everyone

And here is two pics of zatanna for the fun of it also how many of you notice that she exposes her panties for everyone

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Hope this part wasn't to bad

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Hope this part wasn't to bad

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