you are the chalk

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Walking to the school halls with a big happy grin on her face, Y/n bounced happily as she usually does to class.

When she arrived, she opened it dramatically and opened her arms. "Good morning, everyone!"

Everyone present in the class that morning lit up in joy when she fell in their sight.

Everyone but the reserved and smartest kid, Shu Yamino.

It kind of bothered her. Shu had been her classmate for years, adding up the few years from as long as she couldn't remember until now, the two were paired as if they were best friends!

But im actuality they're not. Shu and Y/n had never even spoken to each other more than one minute. They only spoke to each other to ask questions.

"Kaneko-chan, are you alright?" Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and nodded furiously at her classmates.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm fine!" Taking her seat, she kinds of regret choosing one near Shu's. They sat in the back row, Shu's seat is in front of the class whereas Y/n's seat is on the far left, next to a window.

Since this is their last year together, Y/n started contemplating wether she should speak to him or not.

"Does he even know I exist?" Y/n mumbled to herself. She looked to her right and sees Shu studying.

Y/n blushed. His eyes are perfectly fitted for those frames! Oh wait.. is it the other way around? The frames fit his eyes completely? Whatever it is, his eyes are so pretty.

Oh wait, his brother's eyes are pretty too but I think Shu has the prettiest pair of eyes though-

Noticing what she was thinking, she shook off the thought and started fiddling with her necklace.

Y/n sank in her seat with the overflowing of thousands thoughts flooding in her head.

° • ~

It was the end of the last lesson for today, most of Y/n's classmates already left to go home or to hang out with
each other. Y/n however stayed back, rocking herself back and forth in her seat.

Y/n contemplated her life completely. Their chemistry teacher had the audacity to decide Shu and her would be paired together until the end of year, how mean of him!

Shu looked over to Y/n's direction and furrowed his eyesbrows in concern. Y/n was shaking like a leaf.

"Kaneko-" Shu called out but she jumped in surprise and screamed.

Y/n's eyes widened, she sat straight in her seat and cried. "I don't know what you want from me. Please don't curse me or put a spell on me! I have years to live!" She continued crying on her desk.

Shu stood up and walked over to her. "I'm not going to curse you or uh.. put a spell on you. I was worried because you were shaking, are you cold?"

He started to take off his jacket but before he could release his second arm out, Y/n looked up at him. "N-No! I'm fine!" She wiped her tears and bit her lower lip.

Shu raised a brow. "Really? You looked like you were shivering from the cold. It is the first month.."

"I-I was just worried about my brother, Kyo!" Y/n's eyes widened in realisation. "O-Oh shoot, I forgot about Kyo!" She quickly packed her stuff.

"B-But.. Kaneko" Shu wanted to tell her something but he didn't have the heart so he stopped himself.

After she completely packs her stuff, she looks at Shu and smiled. "You should go home too, see you tomorrow!" With that she was out the classroom.

° • ~

"Kyo stop giving me the cold shoulder, your nee-chan is sorry!"

Kyo with his arms crossed and an angry expression displayed on his face, didn't bother to look at his sister. "I wish someone else picked me up."

"Ouch." Y/n whispered. There was no one else to pick him up.

Out of all the times Y/n was seen quiet or breaking 'out of character' from her usual bubbly self, it was around her only family member.

The two siblings walked home quietly after that. Y/n did tried to make conversations with her brother but seeing his angry self stopped her doing so.

Kyo coughed, making Y/n look over to him in worry. "A-Ah! Let's get you home fast. Here, get on my back-"

"I'm fine. I'm not a little kid anymore,"

Y/n huffed. "You're only ten, stop being stubborn and get on!" She took his bag he was carrying in his hands and crouched down.

"I'm thirteen!" Her brother exclaimed.

Y/n stood up and watched her brother walk away from her. "What can I do to get you feel better?" She sighs and started walking to catch up with him.

On the other hand..

Shu sat at his desk at home, the desk table lit not so brightly shining on the surface of the table.

He pulls out a drawer after unlocking it with a key and takes somethings out from it. It was a scrapbook.

As he flipped throughout the pages, most of his school years from kindergarten to now could be seen with a familiar person.

All these years, he never had the guts to speak with her unless necessary.

He knows he shouldn't overthink because of something small but is Y/n really something he should just shrug off? No, she has feelings and so does he.

"Who's that?"

Shu jolted in surprise when he hears his brother talking from behind him. Mysta had a lollipop in his mouth, he picked up the scrapbook and turned on the lights which made Shu turn off the desk lamp.

"She looks familiar."

"Mysta, give that back to me!"

"Hey, is this girl from the orphanage I was in?" The question asked made Shu fell silent. "Hey look, her brother's there too!"

With no words said, Shu took the book from Mysta's hold. "Hey-!"

"Don't touch something that isn't yours Mysta," he stares at the picture of him and Y/n nominated as first place in the science fair together. "And yes, this is her."

"! Anyways after graduation, I was hoping to have a reunion for the seventeen, eighteen years old kids from the place I grew up at!"

Shu looks over to Mysta after putting the book in his drawer and locking it. "And you're telling me this because..?"

"Because Y/n's your classmate! Can you give me her number please?" Mysta showed his phone.

Shu sat on his bed quietly, looking into his brother's eyes. Mysta quickly caught onto what he was doing and retracted his hand. "You don't have.. her number?"

The ravenette shook his head.

"Um.. aren't you two inseperable classmates for years?" Having no reply from Shu, Mysta backs away to the door. "O..kay- just tell me when you have it... night!"

Shu flopped onto his bed and stared onto the ceiling. It was then decided his goal for this year wasn't just to achieve first place in school but instead it's..

"To achieve the attention of Kaneko Y/n," Shu closed his eyes and smiled, letting himself drift to sleep.

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