Chapter 1 - Alexis

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knock knock!

I opened the door.

"You called for me, Father?" He raises his hand and signals for me to close the door. I gave him a quiet nod and closed the door. 

"We have some important things to discuss," he says very sharply. Not gonna lie, I was scared. Father had never used that tone with me, I thought I was in trouble.

"Yes, Father," I muttered in a small tone. He passed me a small file. "You are to marry next Friday," he spoke.


My mouth ran dry.

He wasn't serious, right? I mean, surely not.

I tried my best to muster up the softest voice possible.


"You are to marry next Friday, those papers holds the information of your groom," he repeated.

He's not fucking serious, he can't be. I know that I'm 25 and that's considered to be pretty late for marriage in the family, but he can't do this. I don't understand- I have my own income, I don't work for the family business.

"What do you mean? I have my own business, I don't work for the family business."

Father gave me a displeased look.

"I'm disappointed, you usually don't give this much back talk."

I lowered my head.

"I apologize, Fa-"

"You are to marry him next Friday. His company and our company will skyrocket with an alliance, and you are the perfect candidate."

"But what about my company? What about Blackberries And Roses?"

"Your company will continue to exist; that has nothing to do this," he stated. "All you will do is marry him, no need for an heir or anything. The most you'll have to do is kiss in public," he continued.

"How am I the perfect candidate? I don't wanna do this."

My father gave me the deadliest look ever.

"I don't give a fuck about what you wanna do, you're gonna marry because your sister is too old," he hissed. "Let this be the last time I hear this much complaint from you. Do I make myself clear," he hissed very sharply. I gave him a soft nod. "There will be a dinner tonight. Look presentable and get the fuck out," he yelled.

I quickly took the file and left the room, closing the door behind me.  I could feel the hot tears pouring down my face. This wasn't fair, I didn't ask for this. Everybody knew that marriage was my biggest fear. I told my father about this fear every year since I was 12. How could he betray me like this?

I glanced down at the file that was in my hands.

"Lets see your face, Mystery Man," I whispered to myself. I opened the file and a photo slips out. My eyes widen as I realize who my fiance is.

No way, no fucking way. I'm fucked, I am really fucked. That was the last straw, tears started pouring down my face like a waterfall.

Name: Liam Vector

Age: 27

Occupation:  CEO of Vector Family Corp.

Background Info: Unknown

Family: William Vector and Aiden Vector.

Mother died at the 30 from unknown illness

I'm gonna marry Liam Vector. Firstly, he's known as the biggest man whore. The press has seen him with multiple women and he's even linked to a sex tape.

Not to mention, he was in an arranged marriage with another famous woman. He treated her so badly, she left and breached the contract. She willingly let her whole business fall just to get away from him. I'll be damned if that will be me. I don't care how mean or cruel he is, I'm not breaching the contract. I'll play it just as dark and just as cruel. If anyone's breaching, it's gonna be him.

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