Chapter 15: Past Her and Him

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Alexis woke up in Liam's room. After they got home that night, they had sex. It's nothing she's not used to, it's just the fact that they didn't pull out that scared her. She was petrified. What if she had gotten pregnant? Even though she loved children, she wanted her first child to be planned or at least when they were ready. Alexis wanted to make sure her relationship with Liam was good before she could have a child with him.

She went into the bathroom, making sure to not wake Liam, and grabbed her bag. Alexis always made sure that she'd have Plan B in her bag whenever she went out with Liam. Just in case they got a little too hot and heavy. She threw the pill on her tongue and swallowed before grabbing some sink water and swishing it and her mouth and swallowing it too. She washed her face and left the bathroom to see Liam standing at the door. His eyes went straight for the Plan B on the counter.

"Thank god," he sighed. Alexis scrunched her brows in confusion.

"I want to have kids, but not right now, Love. I was scared to tell you but I guess we are on the same page," Liam said, hugging Alexis. Liam went to kiss Alexis but they heard a knock at their door, interrupting them.

"We have a problem, Sir"

*Liam's POV*

Ace lead me into my office where I saw Carla and Aiden sitting on the office chairs. Aiden turned his head to me, revealing a bruised cheek and busted lip.

"What the fuck happened?" I sat in my chair.

"I was ambushed by the Italians," Aiden said, holding his lip.

"What the fuck did you do to the Italians?" Aiden glared at me.

"I didn't do shit; I was walking to Carla's and 3 guys jumped me. Of course, I put up a fight and managed to punch 2 two of them out but the other one hit me with a rock on my cheek, hence where this bruised cheek came from. But I know it's an attack because he said something," I gave him a questioning glare.

"Don't freak out, okay?" Aiden said in a shaky voice.

Oh shit, now I know I'm gonna freak out.

"What?" I yelled, impatiently.

"He said something about Alexis," I am gonna lose my shit.

"What the fuck did he say about Alexis?" I yelled.

"He said their boss was gonna get her back. Even if it killed him," Aiden answered.

Oh, it'll definitely kill him.

"What the fuck do the Italians have to do with Alexis?"

"I don't know" Aiden shrugged. I snapped my fingers at Ace.

"Bring Alexis here."

After a while, Alexis and Ace entered my office.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asked.

I waved my hand as a sign for everyone to leave and sat Alexis on my lap, with me between her beautiful legs. She leaned in kiss me and I gave her a small peck on the lips, earning a chuckle.

"What's wrong?" she asked, rubbing my shoulders.

"Do you know a guy named Santiago DeBruce?" Alexis's smile dropped immediately before she got up off of my lap and stood with her back turned to me. I sat up and snaked my hands around her waist.

"Tell me, Babygirl," Alexis held my hand around her waist.

"A few years ago, I got out of a breakup with my first boyfriend and I felt bad for breaking up with him. He was really soft and good. I felt bad for leaving him because I felt like he was in a different part of the relationship. It was like the only connection we had was with sexual activities, given that most men didn't really like how I do things and most women didn't like how he was so I broke things off. After that, I went to a club to cheer myself up and met Santiago.

Santiago was completely the opposite. He was demanding and dominating. And as you know, I'm not very submissive. Santiago really took submission very seriously, so after I told him that I wasn't gonna let him go all the way and that I wasn't just gonna let him control me, he became really weird. He'd call my house all times of night, he'd pop up at my shop, once he broke into my house because I wasn't in the mood to talk that day. After that, I told him it was over and we fought. Really, really bad," Alexis's voice began to tremble. I squeezed her hand a little.

"Tell me, Mama."

"He slapped me on the floor and climbed onto me. He told me that no one else would take my virginity and that I'd be his. I hit him back. After that, we kind of got into a fight. He kicked, punched, and slapped me until I couldn't move. He tried to open my shirt," Alexis said, shaking her voice as she spoke.

"So I grabbed a stone that I used to keep for a college project and hit him in the head with it. He fell to the floor but not enough to knock him out and we fought harder. He punched me to the floor again so I kicked his knee and he fell too. After that well, I was able to get a one-up on him and beat the living shit out of him. I couldn't get myself to stop. I was just so tired of his shit. I needed to know that he'd be out of my life so I made sure that he couldn't move when I was done. I called the ambulance and he made it out of the ER alive. I thought that he'd be too scared to fuck with me again but I guess I was wrong because-" Alexis stopped and began to cry. She was squeezing my hand so hard, I thought she'd break it. I turned her around and pushed her into my arms, pulling her head into my chest.

"He called me yesterday morning," I froze.

"He told me that he was angry at me for being with someone else and that I was gonna be his until I died. He sent me photos of us when we first had sex. It was through my bedroom window like he'd been watching me. I pleaded for him to leave us alone but he said that it'd be my fault that you suffered," I grabbed Alexis's arm and wrapped it around my neck, leaning into her.

"You don't have to finish it, My Love," I whispered.

"I'll die before I let him get you. I promise on our future children," I hugged her tighter.

"I'm not scared of him coming to get me. I want him to chase after me, so I can kill him. I want to kill him in a way that makes me a disgusting person. I want to kill him in a way that makes him my victim. I just don't want him to kill you," I've never thought of Alexis as good.

I knew since that night that she helped him kill those men that she had a darkness in her that could be darker than me.

But in those moments, as she looked me dead in my eyes and told me that, I felt something that I hadn't felt in years. Fear. Not fear of her. But fear of what she could do. I knew then and there that she was definitely for me. She could handle my darkness and wear darkness so beautifully.

"Don't worry, Princess. He will be kneeling at your feet waiting to die at your mercy. I will make certain of it," Alexis held me tighter before landing a small kiss on my cheek.

"Meet me in your room tonight. I don't give a fuck about your work. If you're late, you'll be very sorry, Liam," Alexis whispered in my ear before walking out of the door, swaying her ass from side to side.

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