Chapter 14: Children?

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2 months pass in the blink of an eye. Liam found the guy and got his money after some bloodshed, Alexis was busy day and night making clothing designs for her company and putting together an ad for it. They still found time for each other from time to time in their busy lives, kissing and hugging each other whenever they can. Liam really felt bad for the lack of time together so he took her out for dinner.

Alexis wore a beautiful, black dinner dress and put her hair up in a high puffball.

(Something like this)

(Something like this)

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Liam kept it simple, wearing a simple black suit

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Liam kept it simple, wearing a simple black suit.

Liam grabbed Alexis's hand and lead her to the private booth he ordered for them and they sat across from each other

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Liam grabbed Alexis's hand and lead her to the private booth he ordered for them and they sat across from each other. The waiter came and they ordered their food. A few minutes later, the food came and they started eating.

"I see that you're earning some premium time alone after this," Alexis chuckled while cutting into her stake. Liam brushed his knee against hers and chuckled.

"I wanna know everything about you," Liam said, swallowing his chewed pasta.

"Everything?" Alexis smirked.

"Everything," Liam replied.

"Well, I was born on-"

"Stuff that the papers can't tell me," Liam interrupted.

"Well for one, I hate being interrupted," Alexis said, kicking Liam in his ankle.

"For two, I love to read," Alexis said, putting the steak in her mouth.

"Read what?"

"Horror, Romance, my favorite would have to be Erotica romance," Alexis stated.

"You would read Erotica," Liam teased.

"People think I read it for the sexual content, but Erotica seems to have a more passionate romance than normal romance," Liam nodded his head in agreement.

"You agree? So you also read Erotica?" Alexis chuckled.

"I do sometimes," he confessed.

"It's a good escape," he responded, eating another fork full of pasta.

"From what?" Alexis said, taking a forkful of asparagus.

"Before you came, I didn't really have a good mindset when it came to love. I tried looking for love but I ended up being used over and over. I guess that reading those books gave me a small bit of hope that you'd be out there for me," He said, before taking a sip of his wine.

"It gave you hope that I'd be out there for you?" Alexis looked at him intensely.

Liam leaned closer to the table.

"Yes, it did," he replied. Alexis felt butterflies fluttering through her stomach.

"Dumbass," she mumbled under her breath before eating her mashed potatoes.

"I'm not done finding out things about you," Liam stated.

"My favorite color is black"

"I already knew that"


"You wear black all the time. I've never seen you wear anything else but black," Liam chuckled.

"Okay well, what about you, Smart Ass," Alexis asked, putting her silverware on the table.

"There's not much to know about me"

"I bet there is," Alexis challenged.

"I was born; became the next leader of this mafia after my father retired. I was 23 and now I'm 27 and married. Done," Liam said, gulping down the rest of his wine.

"What about the future? Don't you have plans outside of the mafia for the future?" Alexis asked.

Liam looked at the wall in thought for a long while before answering.

"Yeah, I do," Liam answered. Alexis looked at him with curious eyes.

"I want children. I feel like when If I have kids, I'll have someone to live for. Someone who'd depend on me to come home every day. Like I could look into their eyes and I'd be their superhero," Liam said with a small smile on his face.

Alexis looked at him in thought. She didn't mind the idea of having children. She loved children and the way they cried over stupid things or the way newborn babies smelled. It was one of the most vulnerable parts of her.

"Do you want kids?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, it wouldn't be bad to have little badasses running around in diapers," Alexis replied, taking a sip of her wine.

"What else? I know that you have more plans for the future," Alexis asked.

"This is gonna sound cheesy but that's all I want right now. A loving wife and awesome kids," Liam responded, looking into Alexis's eyes.

"That doesn't sound right coming from you," Alexis joked, sipping on her wine.

Liam chuckled and put his hands on hers.

"I wouldn't mind you having my children," Liam said calmly as Alexis choked on her wine.

"Don't word it like that!" Alexis yelled, wiping the spilled wine from her face.

"Okay well, would you rather I say, 'I wouldn't mind getting you pregnant?'' Liam replied in a calm tone again. Alexis took her mashed potatoes and flicked them at Liam.

"Oh it's on," Liam said, grabbing some of his pasta and throwing it at Alexis. They literally had a full-on food fight at a 5-star restaurant for 20 minutes before the waiter came in because of the noise.

"Can I help you two?" the waiter asked.

"Can we have the bill, please," Liam snickered to the waiter while looking at Alexis. The waiter left the room and came back with the bill a few moments later. Alexis snuck the waiter her card before Liam could.

"No, give her the card back and take mine," Liam ordered the waiter.

"No, I gave it to him first! Take mine," Alexis yelled. Liam and Alexis glare at each other.

*A few moments later*

"Here you go Mr. Vector," the waiter said, handing Liam his card back.

"Thank you," Liam said before Alexis stormed out of the restaurant.

Liam followed her to the car and laughed.

"There are some things you just can't win, Love," Liam teased, kissing her on her forehead. They entered the car and Liam started the drive home.

"When would we have kids?" Alexis asked out of the blue.

"Whenever you want us to."

Alexis looked at him and smiled.

"Whatever, Dipshit."

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