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" Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear." said Adrien blowing a whistle.
" Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for and cats and other animals, but not for children and definitely not for me. It would be too... humiliating." Marinette flushed

 "Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the Abbey?" asked Adrien with a stern look
"Oh, much more, sir." Marinette replied
" Hmm." Adrien mused to himself as he starts walking away...
Marinette blows her whistle and he turns around.
"Excuse me, sir. I-I d-on't k-now your sig-na-l." Marinette stammered.

"You will call me.. Captain" replied Adrien walking away.

Marinette flushed...Partly because  this was her first time being so close to a man...and he looked breathtaking...and also because she was annoyed at his tone towards her and especially his own children

She stopped her train of thoughts and stared at the children in front of her.. The Seven children she had to take care of in a house so cold and dull.. seven children unloved and uncared for by their father.. she couldn't help but feel sorry for them.. she would try to turn this around.. she knew she could...

A/N Pretty short.. Hopefully the chapters will be longer But I hope y'all enjoyed!


THE SOUND OF MUSIC - AN ADRIENETTE AUWhere stories live. Discover now