Chapter 1- All Happieness Has Depleted

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I don't know when it happened. I don't know why it happened. My mind was practically erased. All I know is that it happened. I might never know the answers to my questions, but all I do know is that Xavier is dead, but I lived through it all.

It all started when me and my best friend Cilan were hanging out at the park. The weather was warm and all was well as it was summer. My cousin Xavier was at the white picket fence, watching us run after each other, chase after the butterflies and, race our minds to think of plans to do things we could never do or go places we could never go, until that day, on which we went places, we could never have conceived plans to help ourselves with.

*Oh! I forgot to tell you all my name. It's Vincent. Vincent Alexander. Xavier's last name Claude. Cilan doesn't have a last name, as far as he knows. Anyways, back to the story of how it started.*

As we were lying down, in the long, blades of grass, we catch a breeze, but not a normal "oh that feels so nice" breeze, no it was like a breeze strong enough to knock over a wrestling champion, able to cut the throats of anybody in its way, and it did.

Xavier, lies on the ground like a sheep who was placed on the alter of his end, as he is sacrificed to the gods for forgiveness. Cilan and I hadn't even really noticed the breeze (you'll know why in a minute) until my friend Cilan notices the practically dead Xavier over by the now blood stained, white fence. As I follow Cilan with my eyes my focus immediately darts to my almost lifeless cousin. I lean over him as I rip my t-shirt sleeve and use it as a tensor bandage for his gash. As I begin to say "don't leave," Xavier speaks his final words of life.

"May your soul live not in vain as your life carries on without mine. Mine must now be taken by the gods. Your father might come for me, or it will be another, but your mother will not be seen by me again until the resurrection."

*Hey it's me again, Vincent A. I wanted to clarify something, because Xavier didn't make it too clear. Um, my dad collects souls, like Xavier said, which means he is a god, but when he said my mom wouldn't see him again until the resurrection, that meant that she was human, making me a demigod. That's why the wind only effected Xavier. Oh! Why didn't effect Cilan? Well, he's just strong, as far as I know. But I can't figure out anything about him, where he is from, what his birthday is, (I forgot and now he won't tell me) or about his background in general. All I know is that he's a good friend, and his mom died when he was nine, and that his dad died when he was 10, so he's pretty messed up. It's sad. Anyways we're thirteen now, even though I don't know the date, so he's had time to recover. He's getting better but still has nobody to live with except me, but he declined my offer to stay with me and my mom, so he lives alone on the streets for some reason, searching for food at garbage cans or at food banks, when he could've been searching for food out of the fridge. It'd be a lot easier. Oh well. So back to the story now, I guess.*

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