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ah yes, the beginning of my al haitham x djin!reader, i just had to get this brainrot out

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ah yes, the beginning of my al haitham x djin!reader, i just had to get this brainrot out


"There is always hate sex" you suggest, making yourself comfortable on his bed. The sheets are warm, the mattress firm and comforting. There is a smell that tells you he uses this room regularly, a hint of mint lingering around. "... Or maybe just sex" you add as an afterthought as you sink further into the softness, emitting a low groan as you do because fuck it's been so long since you relaxed on an actual bed.

"Both perhaps? " you continue in a low voice as you let your eyes close, allowing the world around you to fade away.

"djinns are naturally flirtatious creatures... And this is your best attempt at seduction?"

A low chuckle escapes you at his remark, which causes you to smile lazily before letting out a breath. "Yeah well, you don't seem like the type to be interested in that." You murmur, as a curious idea slides in your head.

"That is not to say that I'm incapable by any means"

Your voice drops into something dark and husky, a whisper that promises everything a heart could desire and more. A very familiar devilish grin plastered on your face, the glow from your eyes further accentuating your sharper features.

"I can do whatever you desire... If you so wish, master." You purr, and it's not even a question. But you know exactly what his answer will be, as he doesn't even think twice.

Al haitham just looks at you with narrowed eyes.


And your head falls over just as quickly, the pillow beneath softening the blow and taking the blunt of the following words that leave your mouth.

"worth a shot."

You don't hear a reply, but you feel a slight shift in bed as he settles on his side, away from you, leaving the space in between.

"I really thought you would take the couch." you point out, shifting to lie on your side to get a better look at him.

"or the floor... heh whatever happened to that roommate of yours? Hate him too much to share a bed?"

You, of course, don't mind him here, not at all. It was his bed after all. But if he's choosing your company (a djinn that's stuck onto his being) over his roommate's... then you might need to take some classes from this Kaveh guy.

"That is none of your concern." He dismisses you entirely, too focused on the book in his hands (where did it even come from?) to even spare you a glance.

"Not when the ideal scenario would be, you leaving," He states flatly.

But you're not going anywhere. Not yet, at least.

"Unfortunately, you can't wish me away," you reply smoothly and he shoots you a glare that would have made most people cower.

"not a wish, a suggestion"

"A valid one at that... but it's one that I've elected to ignore" no way you were leaving a bed this comfy, the fact that it bothered him is just an added plus.

"and in case you have forgotten, I am bound to you." that much was true, but you didn't actually need to stay near him... you were just bored (being sealed for hundreds of years can do that) and by some fortune, this al haitham was highly entertaining.

Mental simulation was hard to come by and you weren't really sure what you would do if your next summoner was yet another person who wished for world domination... something which happened more times than you would like to admit.

Mortals and especially their tenacity of desires never failed to surprise you, the lengths they went to reach a goal... To satisfy their personal wants, regardless of whether they were noble or not.

It was just as bad as it sounded. You have had plenty of time to figure out that human nature isn't meant to be rational, but rather driven by greed.

Even the most altruistic and generous of humans were prone to selfishness.

They just needed a little push... or temptation, so to say.

One that you were ever so grateful for providing.

Three desires or wishes, fulfilled within an instant.

It was amusing really, watching their expression go from wonder to skepticism to cunning, as they thought of the most efficient way to make use of the opportunity.

Which would be the case if you actually had their best interest at heart and weren't an asshole extraordinaire.

Your kind and you certainly did not deserve the title of "noble" or "good". "Manipulative", "cunning" and "dangerous" were far more suitable adjectives for you, or at least that's what it was according to the Akademiya records on djins.

And you wouldn't deny that you were anything different, either.

But then why were you lazing around in the bed of some scholar and not actively trying to tempt him into wishing?

That was actually a very good question. You really should think and have an internal monologue about this.

Corrosion of time dulling your senses? The constant cycle of being used and then thrown aside? The nature of all that abandonment finally getting to you?

Hah, was there anything worse than a life that constantly repeated itself like clockwork?

No... no, definitely not. Not at all. It was simply your fate to repeat the same old patterns over and over until they drove you insane.

"Do you even require sleep?"

Interrupts the voice of your latest summoner, side eyeing you with an intrigued glance.

"Of course I dont"

You reply back just as plainly, your lethargic movements and droopy eyes opposing the very statement. And while yes, you could technically survive without ever getting any shut-eye.

But then again, you are also chronically lazy.

And being in a comatose state for a few hours actually sounds appealing right now.

"But then again, lamps don't come in fully furnished"

Yours certainly didn't.

Your eyes shut close as you rid yourself of all thoughts and prepare for a dreamless slumber.

"Unless you need me for something, master..."

"...Shut up"

And for once, you comply.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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