Part 13

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For the next few weeks Rossetta avoid both her best friend and eldest brother. She ignored calls, texts, message sent to her through others, and going back to their shared apartment. Her family dinner at her mom's would be the first time they would come in contact in a while. Dominic have been fully aware of the situation and understood her hurt and how difficult it would be for her." Are you ready to see them?" He asked. She sighed as she drove to her mom's house, white knuckling the steering wheel." I'd rather you being here with me and not coming later on." He sighed." I know sweetheart, I'm trying to get done quickly." She pulled into the driveway." Today is about you and Quinn being properly introduced to our family, not them." Dominic took a deep breath." I'm on my way. Work can wait. I don't need you starting a fight." She laughed." I would never." Dominic looked at the phone giving her the ' Don't bullshit me', knowing she couldn't see her." I love you too Domi. I'll see you when you get her." She opened his car door." I love you to baby, bye bye." She hung up the call, looking at the large house that she spent half her childhood." You got this Rossetta." She calmly before heading to the door.

Three out of four Vanelli kids stood in their mother's kitchen, helping her finish lunch. There were foolish arguments, pranks and laughing as the played. Rossetta leaned against the wall, holding her side." Oww, mommy Mas hurt me." Her mouth quickly turned glaring at her son. Massimo gasped and his eyes widened." Mom, she's literally lying." Rossetta jumped up as the doorbell rang." I got it!" She yelled running to the door." Look at her!" He said pointing to her, but his mother just gave him another glare. Rossetta fixed her straightened curls some, pushing the longer pieces behind her ear. She took a deep breath opening to door, her smile fading seeing her mother's oldest and his fling." Oh." She said in a disappointed groan. Zola waved at her despite the frown." Good to see you!" She said with a smile. Rossetta gave her a ' don't talk to me' look, before pushing pass them to outside. She ran up to Dominic's car, jumping as he got out with flowers. Quinn did the same as he got out the passenger side." Hi baby!" She yelled hugging him." Hi honey." He kissed her head grabbing a gift bag out his car." Come on! Mami and papa are waiting for us."

She took him inside to her parents." Mommy, Papa. This is my boyfriend Dominic, and Nell's boyfriend Quinn." They shook their hands, both Dominic and Quinn handing over gifts to them both." So how's life?" Vinny asked pouring their glasses of wine. None of them responded to his question. Dominic looked down, wrapping a hand around his waist." Papa asked a question." Marina, their mother said, but no one spoke up." Florence how has baking been with Rose?" Vinny asked. Florence looked at the ground." We haven't baked in a while." He said softly. Rossetta grabbed Dominic's hand." I want to show you my old bedroom." She said quickly, pulling him up the stairs to her room.

Florence stood by the fridge as he watched Rossetta coming in from the pool." Hey Rose." He said softly, not moving from in front of the fridge until she spoke. She only glared at him, pushing him out of the way." You guys want some water?" Vinny asked placing a tray on the counter." Yeah." She said looking at him. Watching him place a pitcher and glasses on the tray." Dessert should be done soon." She nodded grabbing the tray." Thanks, papa.' She kissed his cheek before heading out. Florence watched as she pushed past Zola out the door back out the door." That's it." He said going after her. He was upset and hurt as he missed his sister. "Rose!" He yelled out catching up to her." Rose!" He called out again, grabbing her shoulder soon after she sat down the tray." Rossetta." She pushed him off her." Don't fucking touch me." She started heading back over to the pool. He sighed as he charged towards her, tackling her down on the grass." You're going to talk to me." He said as they wrestled on the ground. Dominic quickly got out of the water, to head over but was stopped by Massimo and Antanella." They need this." Massimo said softly. Rossetta had taken over and began to punch Florence repeatedly, in a blind rage." I hate it!" She yelled." I hate it! I hate that I love you." She screamed, slamming her head into his chest. Rossetta began to cry as Florence held her close." I'm sorry Rose, but I can't help whom I love." He said softly. Dominic was released and went to pick up Rossetta, holding her close in his arms. Florence sat up wiping the blood off his face, as his nose was shifted and his face black and blue with a bruise, along with deep lacerations." Shit. She did a number on you man." Dominic said as he looked at him. Florence shrugged." I deserved it." He then stood kissing her head." Please take care of her." He whispered before walking away.

Dominic had sat Rossetta in a chair on the patio as he cleaned the small cuts and bruises on her hands mostly." You scared me." He said looking up at her. Her eyes were looking off behind him, still burning in rage." Rosa look at me." He said softly, making her look at him.' What's going on baby?" He asked holding her cheek. Her eyes once again left his, focusing behind him. He sighed." What are you looking at?" He asked looking behind him." Oh shit." He said watching as Zola flirted with their neighbor's son that frequented their tennis court. Dominic felt Rossetta move, looking up seeing her walking towards his pants. "Babe no!" He yelled as he knew what she was going to grab. She grabbed his pants pulling out the gun he carried on him, pointing it at her." Rossetta!" He yelled out as he sprinted over to her. Zola jumped at Dominic's scream but froze when she saw the gun pointed throughout the day." R-Rose please." She said shakily." Let's talk about this." She gulped." You first break my trust and our friendship, then flirt with our neighbor at my childhood home." Dominic grabbed Rossetta's hands." Let it go." He gently untucked her fingers from the trigger." She's hurting me and my family." Dominic grabbed the trigger." Drop it." He demanded. She sighed and dropped the gun into his hands." Good girl." He whispered in her ear, setting the gun down." It's the lighter anyways. I've been pulling back from guns." He kissed her head again." It's the lighter." He picked her up and took her back into the house. Vinny, seeing everything through the glass." She needs to rinse the chlorine off her body and relax." He said softly. Dominic nodded and sat her down." Please have her drink some water, I'll be back with an extra change of clothes." He slid her hair behind her ears before walking away. She then looked at Vinny." You heard the man. Drink some water."

Dominic gently massaged the shampoo into Rossetta's hair as she tried her best to relax. She sat in the warm, bubbly water, playing with small rubber ducks in the tub." I'm sorry Dominic." She said softly looking down at the water." You have nothing to apologize." He turned to the door seeing Quinn walk into the bathroom with a small bag." I got bandages for her hands." He said softly. Rossetta looked up at him." Quinn.." She said softly." Please don't let my outburst affect the way you look at Antanella and our family. Nell is such a sweet girl and would never do as I've done." Dominic poured water down her head, rinsing her hair. Quinn chuckled." I just pried her off of that girl. I don't hold anything against you. I would be pissed too if I were in your situation." Rossetta nodded and smiled softly." Thank you." He smiled again, before leaving out the room." My sweet girl." Dominic whispered in her ear." Yes, Papi?" She answered." Don't you ever reach for a gun in that situation again?" He said, his words stern but his voice soft. She sat up, looking at him." Taking a life is a scary and life-changing thing." His eyes darkened as she reached for her cheek, wiping her tears as they fell." A wise woman once told me that guns do more damage than karma." She looked down as she remembered telling that to Dominic." I promise you." She mumbled. He laid a towel on his lap before pulling her on his lap." It's ok baby." He whispered holding her close." I've got you."

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