Chapter Two

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        "Promise me, you'll call me every time you can even if it's three in the morning here." I said, holding out my pinky. It's a childish thing Drew and I love to do whenever we made promises.


"I can just stay here like I always do so we don't have to go through timezone differences." He said. "I don't care what time you call, Drew. You know that you need to go home and see your family. Just don't forget about me." I said. He nodded and wrapped his pinky around mine and I smiled up at him.


"That tree house I asked dad to build ten years ago better be done or else I'm taking the next flight back here." He mumbled. "Don't be such a party pooper, Drew." He gave me a glare. "Ten years. Ten years!" He whined.

        "I should have taken the flight with the other boys." He mumbled. "Huh, well, who was the stubborn boy who said he's an independent "man" who can fly alone?" I put air quotes around man because he can't be an independent man, he's a boy.

         He plays along and fakes a confused expression. "It's on the tip of my tongue." He said, stroking his chin. I rolled my eyes. "I think his name rhymes with Rew Irksen." I hinted.

         "I believe he is a man who can fly alone. Especially, when his girlfriend refuses to accompany him." Boy. "Stop guilt tripping me, you noob." I sat down with him in the waiting area. "I'm blaming you for the jet lag I'll most likely get when I land." He said. "Alright that one's on me."

"Flight 408. London to Ohio, now boarding."

        Drew's smile turned upside down once his flight was called. We both stood up and I hugged him for a long time, listening to his heart beat while he had his long arms wrapped around me. "I love you and I'll miss you so much." He whispered.

        The sadness in his voice was enough for me to mentally and quite brutally strangle myself. I hated seeing or hearing him like that. He looks like a kicked puppy and I hate it. I feel like I'm a deck of cards caving in. Drew has that special button on me and he gets to push it all the time. "You'll be happy once you see your family again." Despite my urge to chain him to me, his family misses him so much and I know deep down, he misses them too.

         He connected his lips to mine and it was beyond perfect, I held him there for a long time until eventually, we needed air. "I love you." I said, "I'll see you soon." One last kiss to my temple was his response before taking his suitcase and heading for the gate.

         I was used to Drew leaving for tour but seeing him walk away with a suitcase still makes my heart shatter. Well, I did make him go though. 

         It was just that the last time I had answered Drew's FaceTime call from Tina, she was missing him terribly and I would want my son to come home to me too after being gone for a year so I had to make him go.

Once Drew entered his gate, I left. I never waited for his plane to fly. It's just too sad.

        The house never felt emptier. I should get used to it but it's hard not to miss Drew. His giant body was always slumped on the couch and, especially, his stupid attempts to serve me breakfast in bed every Saturday morning that usually triggered the water sprinklers and we'd have to use my blow drier to dry everything up makes me miss him more.

I wish I could fly with him to Ohio and spend a non-virtual vacation with his family. That would be grand.

But he needs his family time. It's best if I stay. I've had a good share of his time with me. It's time for his family to spend the remains of his break with him.

Three months, Alex, three months. You can handle that, right?

Hello, my loves!

I apologize because this update was delayed for so long but, in light of that, I will be updating twice today as a peace offering.

To all the Filipino Tiders,

The #FoursomeTidersGiveaway extends until May 28! No expenses attached, all you need is to follow the mechanics listed on the poster. You may check our tweets for the poster.

So, the third chapter will be up momentarily. You don't have to wait. Love you!

The Tide Metro x

The Choice // Drew DirksenWhere stories live. Discover now