Someone Somewhere

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I screamed into my phone

"I'm sorry boss. We found out her body has already been cremated by her family" one of my men told me with a shaky voice.

I growled in frustration and tried to calm my ragged breath " What of the kid. Did she deliver it successfully" I asked in a calm tone.

" She did deliver boss but no one knows where the child is"

I felt my breathing pick up again

" Find that child. I don't care if you need to dig up ever grave and burn every hospital but find my child" with that I hang up the phone.

I was literally shaking with anger. How could you do this Zamira.

We were perfectly fine. A happy family expecting our little bundle of joy. Zamira was my first and only love. She understood me in a way that no one did. I really cared for her so much

But when she got pregnant she started making some crazy demands. Asking me to leave the mafia so our kid could have a normal life. I refused of course and blamed it on her pregnancy hormones. She was being delusional.

How could I leave my job, my family, my home just because she asked. The mafia is all I've ever known. It's my stronghold and every single person in it is my family. I couldn't just up and leave.

Besides we would still be in danger if I left. After all I have far too much information on the other mafia families.

And now my kid, the heir to my mafia is out there, unsafe, unprotected probably dead and I know nothing all because of stupid Zamira. She was always impulsive but I never knew it was to this extent.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration as I felt a massive headache coming on. I screamed in anger and swiped everything from my desk.

How could she. I swear if she was in front of me I would beat the hell out of her. I should have known giving my heart to a woman was a mistake. I did it once, got my heart broken and like the fool I am, I did it again.

I picked my lamp and threw at the wall. I went to my mini bar and started throwing the bottles of alcohol on the ground and all over. I literally trashed the whole office and I still didn't feel good.

I decided to go to one of my shooting ranges to release some of my anger. I walked out of the office and spoke to one of my maids as I descended the stairs

" Clean up my office"

I got out of the house not bothering to wait for a response and shut the door behind me with a bang!

I know it's short but it's just a little something on Jay Jay's dad

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