Baby Fever

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" aaaaaahhhhhhhh."

I jumped out of bed with a groan when I heard my baby scream. I looked towards her crib and saw her kicking out her arms and legs.

I sighed and walked to her crib. I picked her up and noticed how her face was scrunched up in pain. She was red all over and this really worried me.

I looked at my alarm clock and realized it was 3am. I literally slept for 2 hours. I had two more papers and I'd be done with high-school. I can't believe Zee had already spent close to 4 months with me.

She's grown so much and she is now 8 months old. She can now sit on her own and her babbling has gotten more. She started teething recently and it's giving her some problems.

I don't understand though why she's crying this much these days. At first, I thought it was because of her teething but now that I feel how hot and flustered she is I think the hospital is the best idea.

I rock her softly in my arms but she keeps crying. Tears welled up in my eyes cause I didn't know what to do.

" Shhhhh princess sorry. Where does it hurt hmmm. Don't worry mommy will make it all better"

I walk to my ensuite and wet a towel. I keep it on her forehead and she calms down a little. I grab a bowl and fill it with water as I carry everything back to the bed.

I keep the bowl next to me and sit on a little trunk in front of the bed. I slowly wipe her face with the towel as her cries reduce in intensity.

I rinse the towel and continue to wipe her whole body, while humming a little song that usually calms her down. I take off her cute hello kitty onesie and this manages to silence her. Apart from the few hiccups and sniffles here and there, she seemed fine. Her skin still seemed red though and her temperature wasn't normal.

I sighed and cradled her to my chest as I continued to hum and wipe her skin. She fell asleep but I still held her. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was too worried.

I eventually kept her on the bed and went round packing her bag for the hospital. Occasionally, I would check if her temperature was okay and if she was breathing.

I was soon done packing and I decided to take a shower with the door open just to check on her while I bathed. She still slept peacefully and I bathed as fast as I could.

I got dressed in a cream hoodie with the words best mom in front just to give me some encouragement. I paired it with black leggings and some slides.

I dressed my baby in a cute off shoulder top with a black skirt that had super cute flowery designs. She still hadn't woken up so I grabbed her bag, went to the kitchen and packed some food for her

I checked the time and saw it was 6am. Good enough for the hospital. I picked her carefully and went to the car after locking up the house.

I drove to the nearest baby hospital called The White Dove Hospital. I found a nurse at the front desk and I told her about Zee for her to fill some forms.

By now, Zee was awake and giggling. The nurse showed us to a doctors office and I went in. Not before thanking the nurse.

" Good morning doctor, I'm Vega and this is Jada" I greeted the doctor who got up to shake my hand

" Nice meeting you I'm Levi" he said in a calm voice.

" Have a seat"

"Thank you"

I sat in the comfy chair and looked around at the pictures of babies and toys all around. He cleared his throat and I looked at him. He seemed to be in his late 40s with a slight stubble that had gray hair popping up

He looked very calm and comfortable to be around.

"So tell me a little about Jada" he asked with a cool smile. I kept the bag on the ground and hitched up a babbling baby to release some of my nervousness. I don't like doctors.

" Well she started teething recently and it's been really hectic. She cries a lot and she gets all red in the face. Her body got so hot this morning as well and I'm just so worried about her. I know I'm probably overreacting but she's my only child and all this is so new to me. Please help her " I end my rant with a sniffle.

I look at the doctor and see him smiling" Fist of all, you're not overreacting. I understand how you feel and it's normal. No parent in their right sense wants their child in any form of discomfort"

I nodded in understanding as he continued

" Now I'll ask a few questions and then we'll run a few tests and baby will be just fine okay" I nod once more and wipe my tears.

" okay let's see, how long has she been teething"

" uhhh.... Almost 3 weeks" he nods and jots something down.

" How old is she"

" 8 months"

" has she shown signs of appetite loss"

" No. She eats everything I give her put she does puke once in a while. Especially with diary products. I thought it's because of the teething"

He hums and writes something again.

" has she been on any meds and when was the last time got a high temperature"

" well she's not on any meds. But she got a high temperature just this morning. Around 3am"

He takes more notes and types something on his computer. He then looks up at me with a smile " okay. I think baby is just having some teething trouble but we'll run a few tests and see. She'll be fine"

I sigh in relief as I look at my baby " you hear that baby, you'll be fine"

" she hasn't eaten right"

" yes"

" well I suggest we take the blood sample so it won't be contaminated then you can feed her" I nod whiles getting up. " thank you doctor Levi"

He nods and helps us out of his office. I  walk down the slightly empty corridor till I find the lab. They take some blood from Jay who was starting to get fussy.

After the sample was taken by a really cute lab technician might I add, we were asked to wait in the opd. I decided to feed Jay then. She was halfway into the meal when we were called back into the doctor's office.

" Welcome back miss Vega"

" thank you doctor Levi"

He put on his glasses and started scrolling through the results. " okaaayy........... From what we have here, uuuuhhh. Hmmmm. Mmmmhmmm" I was starting to get nervous.

" ah. Don't mind me. Baby is just fine. It seems she's down with what I like to call teething fever. It's just a fever that accompanies teething in some kids. Luckily it's perfectly normal. She just needs some pain killers and some nutritious food and she'll be absolutely fine. Isn't that right miss Jay " he cooes at Jay Jay who giggles at him and babbling something in response.

I sigh in relief and thank him immensely." Now I'll right some medication that you'll pick up from the pharmacy and a healthy diet then you're good to go" I nodded in appreciation and turned Zee to face me on my lap. She looked at me with big eyes and I sighed

" don't you ever scare mommy like that again okay Jada Zarah Thompson" she babbles to me and I laugh. I look to the doctor and say "thank you so much doctor Levi"

I get up with the bag and approach the door with the doctor close behind " don't worry mama. And you can call me Levi without the doctor" I nod in response and walk out of there.

We go and get the medicines and leave the hospital going to the supermarket for some groceries for her new diet.


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