Beyle's POV

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 I stand awkwardly in the middle of my room. A maid came in earlier and shoved me into a floor length, light blue, sleeveless dress and tamed my hair so that it would stay down. She also tried to put makeup on me, but she only managed mascara before I threatened to bite her. I even managed to escape the heels and not wear any shoes. So now here I am. Standing. Waiting for who knows what.  

 A knock sounds at my door and Noah peeks his head in. Apparently I was waiting for him. He steps in, scanning me up and down. I return the scanning by admiring his blue bowtie on his black suit.

 "Nice monkey suit," I say, trying to break the awkwardness. Noah smiles.

 "You don't look so bad yourself." I blush.

 "So, uh, what's going on? The girl who was helping me wouldn't say anything."

 "I heard you threatened her."

 "Well she was going to shove me into heels and put twenty pounds of makeup on me so what was I supposed to do?" He laughs softly.

 "Tonight is the gathering, like I mentioned before during our tour, and since you and Ayanna are new members, you will be claimed by your godly parent and your déntro parent. During anyone's claiming, it's a formal event, hence why you're dressed up. And it starts in-" Noah looks at his watch, "Six minutes. So, if you will." He holds out his arm and I awkwardly loop my hand so it rests on the inside of his arm, ya know, how people do that in movies and such.

 Noah opens the door with his free hand and we nearly run into Ayanna and Ben walking the same way but a lot more awkward. I raise my eyebrows at Ayanna and she blushes, looking down at the floor. Noah gestures to Ben to keep walking and he leads Ayanna down the hall, while we follow behind.

 Eventually we reach a large set of solid mahogany doors and we stop for a moment. Noah looks down at me, smiling slightly. "Are you ready?" I feel somewhat nauseous as I begin to realize I'm about to find out my real parents. Oh, and I'm a freaking elf. I nod and the doors open.


 As the doors open, I brace myself for swarms of people and bright lights 'cause that's what normally happens, right? Haha nope. Not in reality. Instead of blindingness, we are welcomed by a warm, natural glow of small lights scattered here and there, illuminating...this place. It's a clearing in the seemingly middle of a forest. There are finely dressed people walking around, making conversation, all of them as breathtakingly attractive as the next. All elves. Near the back of the clearing is what looks like a podium made of a hollowed out tree. Everything around and in the clearing is adorned with flowers and vines. It's really beautiful.

 Ayanna and Ben are leading the way, trying not to look awkward as both their faces begin to redden. Noah and I follow behind them and I try to pretend this is all completely normal and isn't bothering me at all. I have no idea how that turned out because I tripped over the edge of my dress and nearly face-planted into the ground. Lucky for me, elves are pretty fit and have quick reflexes because before I knew what was happening, Noah reached out, caught me, and helped me regain balance. I feel my face turn extremely red and I want to crawl into a hole and die. Thankfully, barely anyone noticed, and the people who did look away respectively.

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