Chapter 8-Butterbeer

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Kate's POV*

The warm air of the pub felt welcoming unlike the panic shooting throughout me. It's not that I don't want to kiss James. Of course I do. I have for as long as I can remember, but what if I can't keep those feelings buried afterwards. What if I show how I feel and it ruins something between us. What if I'm terrible at kissing. 

James squeezed my hand and met my eyes. His were full of concern and another emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint. "You okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"It's fine. It'll keep everyone buying your dads products for a while plus make your mum happy." James frowned. Maybe he wanted me to say no. Maybe he doesn't want to kiss me.

"Okay." He plastered a smile onto his face and ordered two butterbeers. 

I spotted Rita Skeeter sitting in a booth in the corner and I nudged James. "She's here. Let's just hurry and do it."

"Alright." James turned to face me and I got my confidence. Who cares. I can kiss him, we're under a contract anyways so if he doesn't feel the same, it still won't ruin anything between us. 

I leaned towards James, my eyes fluttered closed. I was mere inches away, all I had to do was...I gasped and jumped back. 

"What?" James asked as his eyes shot open to take in the sight of me drenched in hot butterbeer.

"Oops, I'm so sorry."  I turned to see Kelsey smirking at me. She strutted off and I glared.

"Kate, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, lets just go back to Hogwarts." I stood up and grabbed my bags while James quickly scrambled after me. 

"Here, you should where this. It's freezing out there and now your soaked." James pulled his jumper off and stuck it over my head. The strong scent of Vanilla and Rain hit my nostrils. I tried not to breath it in too noticeably, but I was intoxicated by his smell. 



James POV*

I groaned and dropped onto my bed.

"That bad?" Sirius asked.

"Tell us everything." Remus said and I turned to face them.

"We almost kissed, twice."

"Almost? Why almost? Why didn't you kiss her?" Sirius asked.

"You don't think I wanted to? I wanted to kiss her so badly, but we were interrupted. First the carriage stopped and she was thrown into my lap and the second time then someone spilled their butterbeer on her."

"That sucks."

"Does it though, maybe it was for the best."

"What in the world do you mean?" Sirius stared at me as if I was mental, which honestly I probably am.

"She didn't want to kiss me. We planned for it to happen at the three broomsticks, but she seemed to avoid it. She insisted on going into every shop and she took her sweet time. I didn't mind but she also seemed to jump at every little touch. Maybe I should just let this go."

"Absolutely not. You have to show her that you guys are made for each other." 

"What if she never feels the same?"

"Stop pouting! You need to change your attitude right now." Peter shouted surprising us all.

"Peter's right. Christmas break is in a week and you can finally spend some time with her outside of the usual." Remus said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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