How many more Spider people are there?

177 1 2

Year: 2075

Place: New York

Y/N is in math class sitting next to his friends looking at the clock

Y/N: Dude what time is it?

F/N: Its 8:15 AM You'll survive the day unlike when you fought Rhino and almost died

Y/N: Hey to be fair Im still getting used to Invisibility he wouldn't have seen me anyways 

Then a friend of Y/N appears who is Felicia Hardy

Felicia: What are you guys talking about

F/N: Just stuff about Spider-Man and how Y/N nearly died from Rhino

Y/N: Yeah it was one time

Felicia: What about Electro?

Y/N: Ok you got me there but that was different 

F/N: Yeah sure it was not like you didn't forget your webs

Y/N: You will never let me forget that wont you?

Felicia: No we will not Y/N no we will not 

F/N: Anyways Y/N and Felicia do you guys want to come over to my house? My mother said yes

Y/N: What about my duties as Spider-Man?

F/N:You can deal with that when they happen just come over please

Y/N: Fine but im gonna head to the park after school ok?

F/N: Alright come on lets get back to the lesson because the Teacher is looking at us

Y/N Looks up and sees the Teacher looking at them both and she is not happy 

Mrs Walker: You three go to the office now

Y/N F/N and Felicia look at each other before they go to the office

Y/N: Dude was this your plan to get us into the office because now we have to go home

F/N: Im sorry man I didn't mean to get us in trouble

Felicia: Hey Y/N you dont have to be so hard on him he didn't mean to get us into trouble

Y/N: Alright sorry but what will your mom say F/N?

F/N: You know I dont know but we are gonna be in trouble

Y/N  F/N and Felicia reaches the Principals office

Y/N: Well then come on -sits down- lets get this over with 

F/N: Alright -sits down- true 

Then the power goes out which startles all three of them

F/N: Oh the power went out I thought something big happened 

Y/N had his mask on 

F/N: That was quick

Felicia: You had that in your pocket didn't you?

Y/N: Yup see you two lovebirds later (wait what) -jumps out of the window and lands on a roof- man this roof stinks -puts suit on- alright lets see where the problem is 

Y/N swings onto a tower and sees a helicopter and he shoots a web onto it and it pulls him making him go very fast

Y/N: Why is this helicopter going so fast?! 

Eventually the helicopter is above a car chase and Y/N jumps down onto the car 

Thief 1: Oh crap its Spider-Man! 

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