I probably won't be uploading for a couple of days since weekends are always busy for me. plus three day weekend so woohih! might upload Monday or Tuesday!
"Hey honey! How was school?" My mom asked as soon as Matt and I walked through the door. She had her work clothes on so I assumed she actually got off her lazy ass and did something productive for once.
I contained myself from laughing in her face. I didn't give her the time of day, frankly she doesn't deserve it. I wouldn't even look in her direction and instead of greeting her like I normally did I stormed right upstairs and slammed my bedroom door.
I took out my homework and did it while listening to the band PARACHUTE's songs play over and over again.
Should have kissed you there.
Should have held your face.
Should have watched your eyes.
Instead of run in place.
This song gets to me everytime. All of their songs I love, but The mess I Made is one of my favorites, maybe because I can relate to them.
A knock on the door abrupted my thoughts. Another knock. I sighed internally, and got up from my bed to open it. "What." I asked not even trying to hide my annoyance to my mother.
"What's wrong hunny? Bad day at school?" I know I shouldn't be this mad at her, she wasnt the one who hit me, but she did bring him in. Would it be wrong to tell her the truth...screw it conscious. She needs to know.
"Wanna know what my problem is!?" I said with as much venom a snake has in it. "My problem is the fact that since dad died all you have been doing is coming home effin drunk!!" I tried to be calm while I said it, but I screamed at her..ahh, close enough to calm.
Mom was almost I tears, I could tell by the way she keeps blinking. "Sorry I am a grieving widow!" She said with attitude in her voice.
"Mom. I know you are having trouble dealing with it, but that is what counciling is for, not acholol. I am 17 mom, I can't be spending my teenage years babysiting my little brother and staying up half the freaking night to make sure my mother is home safe! I lost dad mom, I cant loose you too!"
"I'm sorry honey. I really am. I will try okay. I really will."
That wasn't good enough for me, she still doesn't understand.
I sat down on my bed and motioned her to follow me. I pointed to the bruises on my face and my ribs. She gasped and startes crying harder than before. I felt bad, but she has to know.
"You brought home a guy last night. He started leading you up to your bedroom. I stopped him before he reached the stairs....."
I took in a deep breathe, closed my eyes. Shivers were traveling up my spine in rememberance of last night. It could have gone way worse.
"He pushed me onto the stairs, once i recovered i kneed him in his privates. He then fought back and did this." I said while pointing at the hurting areas.
"You were drunk so you didnt do anything. Mom, I needed you...... I was scared."
We were both crying and hugging at this point. It felt good to get everything off my chest. Maybe things will go back to normal. I told her that I don't mind if she has a few drinks as long as she isint drunk and no more drinking and driving. That is too dangerous.
She seemed to understand, and all I care about is her safety, and becoming an alcoholic damages that secureness.