Old Bonds

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Ten No Kami is in front of Error404 and his group of henchmen, along with Error and Nightmare, as Ten spoke out.

"Everyone, I would like for you to meet Tint, my creation. Tint, these are my allies."

Tint looks at the group before his eyes, and he spoke out with an emotionless, flat tone.


Error looked a little bit reluctant, especially at the appearance of the skeleton that is before his eyes. He almost resembles Ink, but is a few inches taller then Error himself, at the height of 5'9, has splatters on the left side of his face, the fist is darker, and the eyes are white. This made Error a little bit conflicted, as he spoke out.

"Tint...how did you...ya know..."

Ten No Kami then spoke out.

"Oh, that's simple. I used pieces of Ink's paint and ink, and then used a bit of my own essence in order to make him. So, he is somewhat like me, a Polothorn, and...I guess you can say that I have become a parent to Tint, as well as Ink becoming the same thing, although he himself does not realize that. And...the reason why I decided to make him...is because I want him to replace Ink himself. I know how awful Ink is, due to how he abuses his power over creation and Life in order to make copies of AUs and is putting the Multiverse in danger with his ignorance. So...I've created Tint, so that he can replace Ink, and be a much more responsible creator then Ink ever was. Basically...this is for you, Error."

Error looked wide-eyes at this, as he cannot believe that this is happening. But he then smiled, almost as if he feels happy that he finally might have a chance to be free from all of this after all. Besides, nothing is a gift more then his desire to finally become free from what it is that's happening to him. He smiled, as he puts a hand onto his chest, and feels his soul beat, and spoke out.

"Wow...Ten...I...I didn't think you'd care this much just to do this in order to get me free. Thank you."

Ten smiled, as Nightmare and the gang also smiled, seeing that Error would hopefully be free from all of the suffering that he's been subjugated to because of Fate's machinations. Even Error404 smiled a little bit at Error, as it appears that Error might have his chance at finally being able to gain freedom, the freedom that he has craved for so long and wanted to have for a while.

"Bet Ink is gonna be so pissed that he will be replaced by someone much more stronger and better then him."

Dust said, as the others laughed, apparently finding this funny. Even Ten, Error, and Error404 found this sort of thought funny, at Ink having a possible tempter tantrum at the fact that he will be no longer needed and will be sent away by someone far better then him. Error then shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"So, when do you plan on bringing him into the Multiverse to begin his duties as a creator and protector of the entire Multiverse itself."

Ten No Kami looks down at her creation, Tint, as she then spoke out.

"Well...before I do that...Tint needs to go through training. After all, he had just woken up, and although he is strong and powerful in his own way, he does not know how to fight and how to attack. He does not know right from wrong and all of that."

Error404 then stepped forward, as he then spoke out.

"Do you want me to teach him combat? After all, I have been able to help with training NodeTale in combat to try and fight against BioTale, so perhaps I can be of use here."

Ten No Kami nodded her head, as Tint then spoke out.

"I will be honored to have you train me, Error404."

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