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•Asher POV•

"Andrew Byron Turner, you are hereby sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for the murder of Asher Alan Mercer."

Since Reggie is alive now, he went to my old apartment in Boston to gather evidence that I was in fact, murdered by Andrew there. Turns out, that apartment has been abandoned ever since, so it wasn't really that hard.

"Thank you, Randy." My mom tells Reggie. They had to get fake names since people could potentially search them up and find out that they're supposed to be dead. "Thank you so much for doing this. My son can finally rest now."

"No problem Mrs. M, I just wanted to help." He says with a sad smile.

It's been six months since I crossed over and I barely ever leave Reggie's side.

Sometimes I visit Ashlynn and Andi, but other than that, I'm always with Reggie and the guys.

Julie started dating Nick, much to Luke's dismay. He's been down ever since. I don't trust Nick right now; there's something different about him that I just can't shake.

Then there's Alex, whose also been down because his ghost boyfriend is still bound to Caleb. They have to sneak around, but Willie barely ever manages to get away from Caleb.

Then there's Reggie. Reggie hasn't been happy without me. I wish I could just poof back to him but that isn't possible. I do try my best though. Whenever he's feeling really bad, I sing to him. He hears me every time.

Sometimes he'll talk to me, knowing I'm with him and that I can hear him. I only wish he could hear me back.

"Hey, Randy!" My brother shouts at Reggie. "You did it!! Asher would be so proud of you."

"Thanks, Aidan." He tells him.

Gross. The boys are terrible at picking out fake names. Just wait until they say Luke's.

"Come on we should go." Alex says. "Liam and Julie are waiting for us at the house.

Ugh. Seriously? They all just picked names that started with the first letter of their old ones. Those names don't even suit them at all. If I had to pick, I'd choose Jeremy for Reggie, Owen for Alex, and Charlie for Luke. It just fits. Mine would be Daniel.

Wait. Where'd they go? Oh right! To see Luke.

I poof over to the studio just in time to see them pull up into the driveway.

Luke and Julie are pacing nervously, probably waiting for the other two to tell them the news of the trial.

As soon as they step through the door, Julie bombards them with questions. "Did we win? Is he in jail? If we lost then we'll probably need a bodyguard. Oh my gosh, did he win?! Why is no one answering me?!!"

"We won!" Alex shouts happily and Reggie cracks a small smile.

They all cheer and do a little happy dance.

"We need to celebrate!" Luke shouts, and for once I agree with him. Reggie needs some joy back in his life.

There's a soft knock on the door and Reggie jumps up to get it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised to see my sister standing outside the door.

"Hi." She says.

"Hi." Ashlynn copies.

"My mother was at your performance they other night and she said that two of the boys in your band were my brothers." She tells Julie, not yet noticing the other three boys. "I know how it sounds, but I was just wandering if any of your band mates went by the names Alex or-"

"Uwncle Ashewr!" Ashlynn squeals while pointing to me.

There's no way she can see me, right? I crossed over, so it's not physically possible that she can-"

"Uwncle Ashewr looks scawred." She giggles.

Holy shit.


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