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Finally, after crossing many booby traps and one last radio call, we walked out of a side passage into the main gate of the church.

The metal door with reinforced barbed wire and more iron support beams was pretty neat actually. The ornaments and adorns of the already classy gate didn't lose their elegance. The person who modified it knew their stuff.

"Woah..." Oliver and Yami gaped as they saw the steam coming off from a wooden structure near the cathedral. The rather beautiful and elegant home base was seemingly invisible in their eyes as they saw what they wanted.

Hot springs.

They have priorities.

Oh well. While everyone had their expectations, I was also excited to see how the home base compares to the in-game version.

"It would be better for you all to wash up and rest, we can talk about our deal later. So for now, make yourselves at home." Louis opened the doors for us like a gentleman.

And let me tell you, what I saw was a lot better.

The entrance had a ramp which I could deduce is used by Davis and Coco. The tire marks told me that much.

This also meant that the training gear wasn't there. There was a corridor to the side at the entrance which I clearly remember not being there in the game, probably where the training area would be now.

There is also the mistle that should be in the center is now a bit to the side. Probably driving insane anyone with a tick for perfection. But it was conveniently out of the way from the front door so I had no trouble shrugging it off.

As for the rest, it was mostly similar but bigger. Which means better. Always.

For example, Rin's vault is massive. The number of weapons and other gear on display was a treat to the eyes.

Louis' little office was a whole room apparently. From a glance, I could see some actual research devices like microscopes and... a cryogenic vending machine? He has a whole lab right beside the bar...

This man is a genius.

As for the bar... it looked good I guess. I'm not much of a drinking guy. So I don't know much about the brands there. Besides, I'm in a whole different reality. Will the brands even be named the same?

Probably not.

But what really caught my attention wasn't that. Because on my way to the living room to inspect the piano and strategic board, my eyes caught something absolutely stunning after passing the corner where the vault was.

Something that will make every man drool.

The muscle car was barely recognizable as the absolute beast could be seen as a tank at first glance. The beams and ramps that protected the front worked as a drill to drive through anything this unforgiving apocalypse could throw at it. Protective plates that covered the body looked like they could take a nuke and then some. Heavy-duty run-flat tires, a spoiler that will cut in two any schmuck who tries ambush from the rear, more than bulletproof paneling that could surely take a building falling on it, AND A FUCKING CANNON!

Every single thing about this beauty... just imagining the kind of roar an engine capable of moving this little battle fortress will make...

Oh lord, thank you for sending me to this heaven!

"How can people say they have nothing to live for when something like this exists?"

"Seems like Louis stuck his head in a pot of trouble once again who knows where. I don't recognize any of the new faces." And here came Coco from the back of the car. I tore my eyes off the stunning piece of art that could only be produced in a futuristic apocalypse just to see another.

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