What's All the Buzz About?

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Vector sat in his chair, thrumming his fingers on the desk and staring at the door. When was Espio going to get here? Something was up. Something big enough to interrupt the case.

At first he'd been worried, but Espio hadn't seemed to be upset or anything. Now Vector was getting a little annoyed. They really needed that rent money, and Espio of all people had gotten sidetracked. What could possibly be so important--

The door to the agency opened and Espio walked in.

Vector shoved himself up. "What's going on, man? I sent you on a job to track those thugs down and you can't even--"

He cut off as he saw something in Espio's arm. Something wrapped in a torn blanket. It was moving. And it made noise.

Was that... a BABY?

He could do nothing but stare. "Um... what on Mobius is that?"

Espio held up a styrofoam cup he was holding in his other hand. "A smoothie."

"Not that!"

Espio bounced the bundle gently. "It's a baby."

"I can see it's a baby! Where did you get it?" Vector rubbed his head. Espio was so obnoxiously cryptic at times. What could possibly possess him to bring a baby to their detective agency?

"I found him abandoned in an alley. I couldn't leave him there."

Okay, fine, that was a valid reason. "But what are we supposed to do with it?"

"I don't know." Espio set him down on their stained, secondhand couch. The moment he left Espio's arms, the baby began to cry.

Nope. Oh no. Vector didn't like crying. It stressed him out. He dashed over. "Here, let me." Vector picked it up. "Don't cry, kid. It's okay. Vector's got ya."

The baby made a little gurgling noise and settled into Vector's arm. Like he felt... safe.

Vector pulled the blanket back so he could see him better. The baby was a bee, all striped and fuzzy. His arms and antenna were so tiny. Vector couldn't stop a smile from crossing his face. It was pretty doggone cute.

"So what do we do with him?" Espio asked.

"Well we're not putting him back on the street!" Vector rocked the little guy in his arms. "We gotta find his family. We're detectives, right?"

Espio crossed his arms. "You bet we are."

"Well then, the Chaotix are on the case!"

Meant to Bee (A Chaotix Detective Agency fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now