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6th of June, 1947

The weather was wonderful in Petrograd, the capital of the Russian Empire. On the walkways, police officers are in charge of the traffic. Workers from the manufacturing and office sectors were jammed into the trolleys. In the Russian Empire, new small enterprises have started operating since 1918. They were waiting for another pair of cars when a group of bright GAZ-M20 "Pobeda" stopped. The People's Republic of Germany gave the Russian Empire's crown prince four black GAZ M-20G vehicles to defend a white 1940 Mercedes-Benz Typ 770 w150 Cabriolet B. A person sitting in back has light skin, chocolate brown hair, and dark blue eyes, He is known as Tsarevich Artyom Romanov Alekseyevich.

Tsarevich Artyom Romanov is just 18-year-old, thus he is a young man. Yet if he develops his independence in battle, he can lead the Imperial Guard. Artyom was staring out the window. He had been learning about the military, the government, and politics in order to become a Tsar.

He had a lot of stuff to accomplish and was exhausted. Like meeting the ambassadors from the Japanese Empire, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, or inspecting the Russian Imperial Fleet and Army. Yet once his busy schedule is through, he can travel to Yalta and unwind.

Yet he doesn't realize that fate has other ideas, when he steps out of his automobile wearing this imperial tuxedo. This strike will startle the Russian Empire as well as the rest of the world.

Meanwhile at Palace Square street

As vehicles such as cars, buses, lorries, and trams move up and down, Russians go about their daily lives while walking. As Russian Imperial police officers evacuate the populace in their yellow and blue GAZ-M20 "Pobeda" vehicles, the Russian people noticed an odd sight and an ancient Roman structure. They also heard a dragon's roar during this time.

Then approximately the size of two squadrons and then, an army numbering around the thousands, emerged from the pantheon. It was a huge army, and they looked reminiscent of medieval European Armies. Police at the scene didn't know what was happening and one of them approached these 'actors'.

"What the heck are you people up to? Are you guys involved in a movie production?"
When a large army of these "actors" approached, a Russian police officer stated.

Until they raised a war cry that startled bystanders and killed the Russian officer who was approaching them with an arrow to the head, the stated army remained silent and failed to comprehend the officer's inquiries. Some who saw it understood something wasn't right and tried to flee, but they were hit by arrows, leaving them paralyzed or stumbling in pain.

Those who were fortunate enough to make it inside the lobby issued a final warning before it was too late. Some of them looted the dead bodies of those who had died while others smashed through the doors and started killing everyone they could see. Assisting in the evacuation, Imperial Russian Police officers opened fire on the attackers, killing many of them and injuring others before their sheer numbers outnumbered them. In the ensuing panic, large masses of people fled in all directions while the police officers on the scene resisted the attack until their numerical advantage forced them to flee.

A man dressed in Roman armor would move in front of the heap of corpses and address the soldiers while the soldiers attacked everything in their path. He was joined by black-clad knights who appeared to be his personal guard and were fully armored.

"In the name of Emperor Molt Sol Augustus of Saderan Empire, I lay claim to this territory. Don't fight her since you will be led to a better life full of opportunities and excellent living if you do."

Yet, the Russian Imperial Crown Prince is a secret to most people. The Russian Imperial Guards told the Tsarevich that they did not enjoy the thought of his country being conquered by other nations.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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