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When nala was growing up she was already parted from her siblings and excluded from most activities. If it wasn't the kids giving nala a hard time her parents would. It was always

"Where were you?"

"Why aren't you with lo'ak?"

Ect ect. Middle child syndrome.

During when nala grew up Jake had built such a close bond with tuk and kiri but never even showed appreciation for nala. During their birthdays nala would have to make her own things and really anyone who would get her anything was her siblings. But since nala was never close with her family it's not like they knew what to get her. When she received their gift she'd often give them a look before nodding her head thanking them before walking elsewhere.

Even if they tried to build a connecting with nala she wouldn't talk much or would just walk away not giving them any time of day.

When it came to neytiri and Jake they showed no worry despite full on neglecting her most times. Forgetting to feed so nala would have to find her own food which she didn't complain about anyway. Or her family would travel without her and won't come back til days or weeks later. Nala never fussed. It hurt but she couldn't do much anyway.

This particular day nala had been out for 3 days roaming the forest clearing her head for some peace. Since it was her nearing birthday she preferred not to spend it with her family. She was also testing how long it would take for them to realise. So she soon started to head back after eclipse and noticed the family sitting and eating together but everyone seemed aggravated. Nalas ears perk up

"Could they be aggravated cause I'm not there?"
She thought before walking over and opening the flaps as not a word was spoken.

'obviously not'
She mumbled rolling her eyes walking inside grabbing a bag

"We are leaving. You can either live with h your grandmother or come."
Neytiri said as nalas ears flatten.

The others didn't get a second choice. It was either go with them or I'll force you to go. There was no grandmother option. It was plain to see.

"I don't know"
She said as Jake slammed his cup down

"Make up your bloody mind then"
He snarled as nala watched her father react like this. She then turned to tuk who seemed worried and wanted her sister to go.

Nala bit her cheek thinking

'Stay and loose connections? Or go and get abused?'
Ran through her mind before taking a big breathe in

"I'll go"
She said as Jake sighed loudly making nala ears flatten as she walks out of the hut walking towards mo'ats one as tuk looked at kiri loak and neteyam as they looked at each other as well.

"we never had that option?"
Kiri tilted her head as neytiri and Jake look away

"she loves her grandmother very much"
Jake tries to make up an excuse

"Grandmother wants her to be tsahik"
Neytiri covered up

"That too"
Jake agreed as their ears flatten

"or you're just trying to get rid of her"
Lo'ak mumbled rolling his eyes as Jake glared at him

"Get that sick thought out of your head this instant!"
Neytiri hissed as Lo'ak rolled his eyes sighing softly

Nala slept with mo'at that night.

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