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One day in the village nala was sitting in one of the villagers tents speaking with a woman and weaving a basket.

The people next to the tent start to whisper as nala poked her head out noticing the tall woman and her son.

She looked directly at nala as nala stood and walked over to her

"I see you, izila"
Nala said closing her eyes as izila smiles

"I see you"
Izila responds as izila turns to her son rula. Who was 16.

"iv always wanted a daughter"
Izila spoke as Rulas ears flatten a bit as she turns to nala

"I need a mate for my son. And you're a perfect suit for him."
Izila spoke as nalas heart raced.

Rula was an adored boy across the village and was very handsome. A lot of ash girls his age and younger where obsessed.

"izila, it would be best if he chose someone he'd like"
Nala said as izila put her hand in nalas face

"Hush child, plus. he's taken a fancy to you"
Izila said winking as nala blushed turning to izila who cleared his throat blushing.

Nala smiled softly and nodded her head gently

"I'll do it."
Nala nodded her head as izila laughed proudly

"Ahaha! My beautiful daughter!"
Izila said cheerfully cupping nalas cheeks and giving her a peck on her forehead before walking away announcing to her people as rula smiled at nala.

Over the months they had become quite close friends and always seemed to get along better then the rest.

nala was drawn to nice people though so I wouldn't expect any less.

As the weeks went by there was a celebration for nala and rula.

That same night nala and rula had become a mated pair.

It was beautiful. And every part of it was so special and the way rula would look at nala, it was like he'd seen the most beautiful woman on earth.

During the tsaheylu connection rula swore to protect and do anything for nala and never loosing eye contact.

She swore the same.

After the ceremony nalas last test was to finally take a tshapdro. (Bone ikran)

These ikrans are almost immortal and extremely aggressive and strong

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These ikrans are almost immortal and extremely aggressive and strong.

When these ikrans are brought into the clans being taken over. You might already count your losses.

the walk up to the tshapdros was harsh. The lava heat from the volcanos that the tshapdros lived was melting. Since the ash peoples skin was so strong they didn't seem to feel the heat as much as nala. But either way nala pushed through.

rula had supplied a waterbottle knowing his mate wasn't ready for the heat so if he noticed her getting light headed he'd give her water to either drink or pure on herself. Izila lead her the whole way.

Finally making up to the top the bone ikrans let out their mighty roses which didn't even sound right. It was terrifying.

nala began walking through the creatures as one by one they would fly off but only due to rula scaring them off with a blue flame.

There he was.

A beautiful bone ikran.

Nala turns to a certain ikran and squints her eyes as she began walking over to it.

The bone ikran began roaring at her but she hissed right back at him.

He then goes for the attack but nala quickly dodged it.

You cannot punch these creatures, you're more likely to hurt yourself then hurting them.

She then pounces onto the beast as the beasts roses and turns towards the inside of the volcano.

With nala over the edge she clung on for dear life as rula began to panic.

He shouts as izila grabbed the boys tsaheylu

Izila shouts shoving rula to the side watching nala in hopes she makes it.

Nala grits her jaw grabbing the beasts snout and began pulling it down putting the beast in a head lock making the creature fall forward away from the volcanos entrance.

Izila and her tribe cheer as nala stood holding this creature in a head lock grabbing its tsaheylu and connecting it with hers.

She bummed to calm the creature as the creature panted and growled. But nala only growled back to show dominance.

Rula said smiling as nala turned to him and nodded her head as she lets go of her bone ikran only for it to begin to fly.

The boneyness of the creature hurt to sit on but there was saddles when she goes back to the village and she felt so free.

She glided in the sky as she adored her creepy creature rubbing under its chin as it purrs.

Rula cheered lifting up his bow as nala giggled looking at him

"You did well my love"
Rula spoke softly as nala blushed.

he was so handsome.

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