my children

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Although she forgave her family for such terrible things she held grudges of course.

but she promised she'd treat her children differently.

Her now eldest fait was now a child of 5, a very intelligent young man and so respectful. He's growing to be very beautiful soul much like his father rula.

Her second child. Another son named  tsistu. Born with the omaticaya blue skin but Rulas eyes.

Nala and rula adored both their beloved children and nalas parents are trying to be better as parents and now grandparents. But nala wouldn't leave them alone for a second with her precious babies.

rula also grudged the sully family. Often staying silent or if he could tell something was making Nala uncomfortable he'd quickly change the situation or take her away from it.

first time really meeting Jake sully rula stood over the man at over 10foot3 frame while jakes 9foot.

also coming from the ash tribe their bodies just scream tough and danger along with their emotionless expressions.

Rula had a resting bitch face constantly but nala could read him like a book. Usually he'd  make a different face is when he was with just Nala and his kids.. or when nala and him shared their special private times together. His expression was ever so loving and adoring.

Rula was just threatening over all.

But he's a lovely man.

one particular day he sees his sweet baby boy fait running with the other boys. but eventually fait only being 5 wasn't an expert in running he falls and bumps his face

Rula stood up immediately and goes to him lifting his boy up who let out a little sob as he hides his face in his fathers shoulder.

Rula hushed his son rubbing his boys back

"Shhh... fait fait.. you are alright my good boy"
He praised rocking his body a bit comforting his son.

Fait lifts his head up looking at his dad

"hurt daddy.."
Fait said pointing at his nose.

Rula smiled lovingly at his son and kissed his sons nose

"you're strong my boy"
Rula said proudly as he wipes his sons tears away

"do you want to play? I will make some food if not"
Rula offered and fait nodded

"Food daddy"
He said. Rula began walking home.

Amongst walking in his pod Nala was breastfeeding their newborn tsitsu.

rula smiled giving Nala a kiss on her head as well as tsitsu

"I'll start on cooking"
Rula said rubbing nalas head

Nala shakes her head

"No I can cook, you've been busy and haven't been able to rest"
Nala said as rula kept her in her place

"you need rest"
Rula said locking eyes with nala.

Nala Sighs softly and nods her head smiling.

"thank you"
She said tiredly.

Tsitsu has kept Nala very sleep deprived. Rula would do his best to help out even trying to wake up before Nala did to go take care of his children.

But nala having motherly instincts a whine leaving one of her boys mouths throughout  the night has her wide awake.

it would often annoy rula because he felt he wasn't doing anything for his loving wife.

He eventually began making food as fait sat with mommy speaking to her about his adventures while nala continued to feed the youngest listening to her child and how he sees the world.

"And then boom! I hit my nose on da rock! But I didn't cry!"
Fait said giggling cutely as nala raised a brow chuckling a bit

"So you DIDNT cry huh?"
Rula teased smiling as he turned to his son

"shhh! Daddy!"
Fait whined as nala giggles a bit

"mama don't believe daddy he's lying"
Fait said crossing his arms as rula shook his head smiling

"Very well"
She comforted fait pulling him into a tight cuddle and kissing his head.

Soon enough meal time was here rula fed fait as he made sure nala get her fill and the beverage she needed.

He genuinely only wanted her to walk if she needed to go to the bathroom. Giving birth to tsitsu was a terrible experience and it frankly traumatised rula due to it.

Nala had basically lost a lot of blood then had to be cut to get tsitsu out. Rula knew she was in pain so if he could do anything to make her a little more comfortable he'll make it happen.

Nala ate happily watching her sleeping infant beside her.

"how did hunting go?"
Nala asked her beloved

"well, we caught some more of those disc lizards for the little ones. And I also got your favourite fruits as well"
Rula said smiling as nala kisses Rulas head

"thank you my love"
She said cleaning faits face as he chewed on his food.

"you look beautiful my sweet woman"
Rula complimented. Despite only giving birth a 2 weeks ago Nala obviously still having the bloated stomach from pregnancy which rula ever so adored.

He loved seeing her pregnant and without a baby. To him she was literally the apple of his eye.

"you look gorgeous too my love"
Nala said kissing Rulas lips while stroking his muscular arms

Fait gagged at the sight

"Eat your food"
Rula shush's fait as he watched nalas lingering eyes as she strokes over the pale scars on his body from hunting, fighting ect ect.

She then began to braid his hair and adding her own little decorations onto him.

This was truely feeling like home now

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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