Chapter 2

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10 years later

POV Cale:

It has already been 9 years since we arrived here and now I'm now 18 years old while hyung is 20. I have also gotten used to call Barrow hyung, in the beginning I had only called him hyung as it would be strange for the people around us, but Barrow insisted in calling him hyung and as I didn't want him to annoy me, I complied so I wouldn't have to exercise more than what he make me do now, he even made me train with daggers, which I always carry with me, along with 2 guns and ammunition.

In the end, my plan to get money worked, so Barrow and I became models, with me also becoming an actor and a hacker. I still don't know how I become an actor, but I know that it has something to do with Barrow. One day he was talking with my manager and suddenly I had a job as an actor and I couldn't get out of it as it had already been confirmed.

At least, I'm not a full time actor or model as I still have to graduate from high school, where I can sleep all the time, as I always get full marks without having to listen to the teachers.

The worse of high school would probably be that I do the afternoon turn, so that I can work in the morning. That means that I end the school at 8 in the evening everyday, at least my hyung comes to pick me up, so I don't have to walk back home.

This was finally my last year in high school, which means that after this year I would be able to slack every time that I don't have work and maybe retire after 3 or 4 more years, as we would be rich enough to support the rest of our lives.

- Oppa, do you think you could help me? - a girl asks me. She is talking about the current project that our class was doing today, which is to dissect frogs.

- Okay. - I decide to help her, even if I haven't even dissected my frog, so the girl shouldn't know if I could do it.

At least it's almost 7 which means that soon I will be able to go home, except that I had a very bad feeling about something, but I don't think that anything is going to happen, right?

I shouldn't have jinxed myself.

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]

The clock marks 7 o'clock and suddenly a black fluffy creature with horns appears, which makes me remember of the Dokkaebis in Korean Folklore.

- That goddam bastard god of death, I will kill him the next time I see him. - I yell in my head, when I realize that this isn't a normal earth as the GoD had made me believe. - It is possible that this is the beginning of an apocalypse different of the one that my world had.

- Oppa? - The girl hugs my arm, probably because she is scared of the dokkaebi.

[Well, how about we start?]

The dokkaebi says, which makes everyone snap into reality, especially the teacher.

- You, what do you think you're doing interrupting my class? - the teacher demands, which didn't seem very intelligent of her, did she really think that such a creature is something that can be made by people or something?

Some students start to join the teacher into demanding the dokkaebi to leave, including the girl that was with me, it seems that she is no longer scared.

Suddenly, the dokkaebi's eyes turn red showing his anger and the heads of the people that were screaming at him before start to burst.

[I told you to be quiet.]

What before was a class of almost 30 students and a teacher was now a class of only 10 students including me, it seems as not many people had common sense to just listen to the teacher. Haven't this people never read a fantasy novel or something?

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