vii. day seven

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saturday, day seven

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saturday, day seven

"COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO before everyone else decides to watch the sunset too!" you exclaimed, pulling todoroki's wrist behind you.

todoroki sighed, confused by your logic. "why didn't we just go earlier in the day?"

"the sunset is the best part of going to the beach. of course, many other people think the same and also want to catch the sunset before it's too late," you explained, walking onto the train.

he nodded in understanding. "so a pretty sight for instagram?"

you rolled your eyes. "yes and no. you'll see what i mean once we reach the beach."

the two of you sat down next to one another on the train's seats. you glanced at todoroki, sighing. sitting next to him after last night's events made you slightly uneasy, but in a good way.

• • •

"i can't believe they both fell asleep right where they sat all night!"

"me either! awww they're so cute!"

"you dumbasses are gonna get your heads punched in if you wake the boulder up."

"oh pssh! you're over-exaggerating!"

you stirred awake, squinting your eyes at the sudden bright lights. many faces surrounded you, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.

"what is going on?" you muttered out, voice raspy from the morning.

"good morning y/n!" ochaco greeted, a warm smile embellished on her lips.

you squinted at her, extremely confused as to why she was in your room. "why are you in my room, ochaco?"

she giggled alongside tsu and mina. "no one's in your room, y/n."

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