Chapter One

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It was a normal day for Sasaki and Miyano. They were currently at school and it was about a week since they had started dating. Nothing had really changed for them, Miyano still lent Sasaki his manga and definitely still read it. Their friends had very dull reactions to the information. It has been a long time since they had realized that the two were meant to date, it had only taken Miyano a long time to realize it.
At this moment in time the new couple was with their friends, which consisted of Ogasawara, Hirano, Kurosawa, and Tashiro. It was lunch time and they were sitting in an empty classroom eating. They were definitely an odd group, three second years and three third years. The second years were mostly nerdy kids with no athletic ability, and the other half were complete jocks in every sense of the word. Tall, handsome, strong, intimidating. Then nerdy, shorter than average, glasses wearing kind of guys. A weird group for sure.
They didn't let that stop them from being good friends though. Plus that was just their outward appearance, inside, Hirano was a very intelligent guy, and with some studying so we're Oga and Sasaki. The other boys who were portrayed as nerds were actually quite adverse to studying. They would rather spend their time on other things. Kurosawa would give anything to be alone with his girlfriend at any given time and Tashiro would rather be gaming. Miyano, though it would be shocking for any student at their school to hear, would actually rather be skateboarding at his favorite skate park, SK8.
Since Langa's infamous last race with Adam where he took the creepy old man out, the place's leadership had shifted considerably. Since Adam had lost he had just given up skating all together, and he figured that it was only fair for the one who beat him to continue on its legacy. And so he gave SK8 to Langa, and he and Cherry and Joe and Reki had continued to keep it open and in good condition. They paid for the repairs, and started to make it into an actual skate park and not an illegal one. They began selling their memberships and their very own merchandise. If you caught any of the now renowned founding family outside of the track and at home you would see them in their own merch. It was pretty comfortable.
Another change that had occurred since the defeat of Adam was the official marriages of Joe and Cherry, and Langa and Reki. Joe's restaurant had grown pretty big over the years and he now had three different restaurants and was working on building a fourth. Cherry worked hard at keeping SK8 in order with Langa and Reki since that was more his thing than a restaurant.
When Miya had turned fourteen his parents had died in a terrible car accident, leaving him at the mercy of the childcare system. When he told the others this they were absolutely against it and suddenly he found himself as the legal son of Joe and Cherry. It had been an interesting first few months with the new family trying to adjust to their new lives. Since they were friends as well as family Miya was given his space and left to do his thing. Joe and Cherry knew that they weren't the boy's parents and that they never would be like them, but they did want to be there for him and they knew that the boy needed some actual parents in his life. They got him enrolled in a school that wasn't filled with his old friends and that was what led him to his life now.
Langa and Reki had both gotten scouted for the Japan National Adults Skate Team, and Miya continued to be a regular for the All Japan Youth Skate Team. This year was going to be his fifth year doing it and he was confident in his skills like he had been for the past four years. Only the best got scouted for the AJYS group and he knew he was there for a reason.
Back to the present, Miya was snapped out of his thoughts by his boyfriend whining in his ear. "Miyano~~!" He let out and Miya blushed a bit, embarrassed that he had spaced out.
"Sorry, I was thinking about stuff. What did you need?" He asked him apologetically.
"Oh nothing, just wondering when I would get to meet your parents." His boyfriend said, causing the group's eyes to roll heavily.
"U-uhm, well. I guess if you wanted you could come over today. I don't know if they'll be home but you guys could all come over. I can have Joe bring some stuff home for dinner from his restaurant." Miya said thoughtfully. The others' eyes sparkled immediately. They definitely were taking that offer. None of them had ever been to his house before and were very excited to see what he was like at home.
"Who's Joe?" Ogasawara asked him, confused. As far as he knew Miyano didn't have siblings or anything like that.
"Oh, that's my dad. I call him Joe because we're more like friends than father and son." He answered, getting surprised looks from the group.
"Really? I wouldn't have expected that from you Miyano. I thought you would be all childish and call him daddy still!" Kurosawa teased making Miya blush a bit.
"No way! I only call him dad or father if I'm teasing him. Other than that he's just Joe. Still a major doofus, but Joe nonetheless." He quickly explained to them all.
"Haha! You guys are just going off on him today! Leave my poor Miya alone!" Sasaki said to them while shielding Miya from them with his arms and causing them to laugh.
"Well on a more serious note, I would love to come over after school Miya. Do you want us to all go there together? We have to take the train right?" Hirano asked.
"Yeah, it would work out better if we did just go together, if you guys are wanting to come.'' Miyano told them.
"Alright then it's settled! We'll all go home with Miya today." Oga stated while beginning to stand up.
"Where are you going Ogasawara?" Kurosawa asked the giant boy that was walking away from them alarmed.
"Lunch is almost over doofus. I'm going to class early to get started on the class work for the day." He answered.
"Oh wow, I didn't even realize." Tashiro said, looking over at the clock in the front of the room.
"Yeah, well I'll see you guys later then." He said walking off.
"We better get going too so we're not late." Hirano said while getting up and grabbing his stuff.
"Lets meet out front later then okay!" Miyano said excitedly. He was nervous to have them over and meet Joe and Cherry, but as long as he begged Cherry hard enough he would come home first and keep Joe in line.
~End of the school day~
It was finally the end of the school day and the sextet was all together and on their way to Miyano's house. While they were walking they made small talk until Miya remembered that he needed to call Cherry. He took out his phone and hit his contact quickly, hoping to reach him as fast as he could.
The phone rang for two beats before he answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Cherry, do you think you can get home before Joe today? I'm bringing," he paused to count the group, "five of my friends home with me, including Sasaki, and I don't want to be alone with him." He said trying to gain some sympathy from his mom-dad.
"Well, I'm kinda busy today because it's around the time when people have to revoke their memberships, so I don't know..."
"Come on mom! Please~~~" He asked him and even though he knew Cherry couldn't see, made puppy dog eyes.
"No, don't make puppy dog eyes, I know you are!" He said unhappily. "You know I can't refuse you when you do that!" Cherry pouted.
"I know~ that's why I do it." Miyano said with an evil smirk on his face. The group had started to listen in on the conversation a bit and were kind of shocked by the attitude of the normally quiet and kind boy.
"You little, evil child! Why don't you just call Langa or Reki? They will help you."
"No they wouldn't, they would help Joe and that just isn't it Cherry. Remember on my birthday last year when they came over and decided to tease me with him? It was hell on a skateboard! I'm not doing that again, not ever!" He said, pouting as the group started to head onto the train.
"Well, I'll see what I can do, but I'm not making any promises. I really am swamped today Miya."
"Yeah I know. I'll see you when I see you. Bye."
"Bye~" And with that they hung up.
"Was that your mom?" Tashiro asked him curiously.
"Yeah, I normally just say Chery though. Oh you guys can just call them Joe and Cherry too, everyone does." He said off handedly.
"Who are Langa and Reki?" Sasaki asked nonchalantly, but it was obvious that he was a little jealous.
"Don't be jealous Sasaki. They're both married and if anything, they're like my big brothers." He said since he had picked up on the jealousy easily.
"I'm not jealous! Just curious, is that a crime?" He said indignantly while blushing.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say." Hirnao said sarcastically, making the others laugh and Sasaki pout.
It was a ten minute ride to Miyano's part of the city. Once the train stopped the boys all stepped out still in good spirits about already learning so much more about Miyano than they did before. It was a much shorter trip from the train to his house than it was to the school and they arrived relatively quickly.
His house wasn't anything too special in normal standard, but to most japanese highschool students it was pretty freaking big. It looked like a two story house on the outside with its own small front and back yard, a long driveway, and a garage. The house was white and had black accents on it. The front door was a few steps off of the ground which would normally indicate there being a downstairs to the house too.
Once the group got up the driveway his five followers started to walk towards the door, but Miyano stopped them. "We'll go through the garage, I don't have a key for the door or anything." He said as he walked to the garage door.
They group quickly changed their route and headed after their short friend. When he was close enough to the garage he stopped infront of what looked to be a speaker. "Hey Carla! Open the door will you!" He spoke into it making the group think he was crazy until they heard a voice respond to him.
"Voice recognized: Miyano Nanjo- Welcome home Miya~~~" The voice said, shocking those in the group.
"Your last name is Nanjo? I thought it was Yoshikazu." Hirano asked him confusedly.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to bring that up. I changed it a little while ago to match Joe and Cherry." He explained as he led them in the garage.
The group was then surprised by the insane amount of skateboards in the garage which quickly made them miss that little bomb he dropped. They were hung up all over the walls in the room and there was a charging station in the back right corner of the room too.
"Woah! Your parents must love skateboarding huh Miyano?" Ogasawara asked as he looked at them all curiously.
"Oh yeah, we're a major skateboarding family if you didn't notice. You'll see once we get inside too." Miyano told them distractedly as he walked towards the door into the house.
His little group followed along after him, still looking around at all of the cool stuff in the house. They all stepped into the house and looked around. At their first glance they could see a nice kitchen with a ton of different appliances, and beside it a dining room that was attached to a nice, comfortable living room. With a little more looking though they saw a wall full of golden medals.
"Holy crap! Who's are those? That's a serious amount of gold medals.'' Sasaki asked bewilderedly.
"Oh, they're mine for the most part. Some of them might be Langa or Reki's, but their medals are mostly at their house now. Joe and Cherry like bragging about me when we have guests."
"Those are yours!? I didn't even know you skateboarded Miyano! This is crazy.'' Hirano said exasperatedly. The others had the same reactions as he did and Miya just blushed. He was used to being praised, but these were some of his first real friends in years. Plus it was his boyfriend too and that just made the embarrassment even worse.
"Do you have more? And where do you skate? I've never seen you do it before and I don't know of many skate places around here." Tashiro asked him cooly, trying to seem like he wasn't as impressed as he actually was.
"Well, that's how I met Joe, Cherry, Langa, and Reki. We used to just go to the place but eventually we actually came into ownership of the place. It's called SK8." He answered them as he grabbed them some drinks from the fridge and led them upstairs after briefly showing them the main floor.
They got upstairs and into his room. It was pretty much spotless, except for his green and black cat jacket that was laying on his pillow. He had his manga shelf in one corner of his room across from his bed that had a T.V. on top. Beside his manga shelf he had a large glass trophy case that contrasted with the wall downstairs. It was empty except for four gold medals that sat on black velvet stands and four different red and black jerseys with the number four and the Japanese flag on them. When the boys' eyes caught on to the jerseys they were actually speechless this time.
"Oh, hehe, yeah. I'm actually a regular for the All Japan Youth Team. I've won gold four times. This year I'm gonna go for gold again, for the fifth year in a row! It's super fun actually, I've met some cool people there. Mainly the coaches since they're the only ones that actually talk to me while I'm there." He started to ramble on getting increasingly worried about his friends who still haven't said anything. "Are you guys okay? Is this too much? I normally keep it to myself so that people don't take advantage of me for my money or fame, but since you guys are actually good friends it didn't feel too risky to me." He explained himself a bit to them. "Oh my god! Say something, jesus! Giving me anxiety guys." He said, finally snapping at them and getting them out of their trances.
"S-sorry Miya, that's just kinda crazy man. Can't just spring that on us-'' Ogasawara started to sit but was interrupted by Sasaki moving to tackle Miyano onto his bed.
" Ak- Sasaki!?"
"You're so cool Miya-Kun~!" Sasaki said dramatically while fake crying.
"O-oh. Thank you Sasaki."
"He's not wrong Miya, tell us about all of your skating! What's it like being in the Olympics?" Kurosawa asked him rapidly.
"Oh, well, um. It's very tiring actually. You have to do a ton of press stuff all the time, and the hotels they put us in are pretty awful honestly. The beds suck." He said, causing them to laugh. He gestured for them to sit down on his green floor mat as he grabbed his hoodie off of the bed. "Oh actually, before we start, do you guys want to change? I'm going to so you can if you want to." He said before sitting down and Ogasawara who had already plopped down on the ground grunted while sitting up again.
They all finally got dressed in some more comfortable clothes and walked back into Miyano's room to see him in his signature cat hoodie.
"Aww! You look so cute in that Miya! You should wear stuff like that more often." Sasaki said while smiling, causing him to blush.
"Well outside of school this is kinda my go to outfit so if you guys ever come and visit SK8 with me you'll get to see."
"Ooh, we should do that. I wanna see Miya skate some. Clearly he's pretty good huh?" Hirano said to the group, getting some nods back from them all.
"Well, if you guys want, since tomorrow is the weekend you guys can come with me in the morning and I can teach you some stuff. I was planning on going and practicing tomorrow anyway." Miya told them while calmly laying onto Sasaki's shoulder.
"That sounds fun, I'll come." Ogasawara said while getting arranged on the mat next to Hirano.
"Yeah sure, I'm in." Kurosawa said and Tashiro nodded in agreement.
"What do you guys wanna do?" Miya asked.
"What do you have?" Tashiro asked.
"Well we could go to their game room and play around for a bit, or we could watch a movie. I don't care what we do."
"You have a game room? That's cool, I would totally be down." Tashiro said getting excited at the prospect of gaming.
"Yeah we can do that, how about you two?" Kurosawa asked the three third years.
"Sounds good to me too." Ogasawara said plainly.
A "Yeah." and "Alright" came from Hirano and Sasaki so to the game room they went.
"Before we go down there, what do you guys want for dinner? I can get us anything from Joe, I just know I'll forget to ask him if we get down there and start playing." He asked the group.
"I'm okay with pasta or something like that. I don't really care though.'' Kurosawa said.
"Yeah, sounds good to me too."
"Everyone good with a pasta kinda thing?" Miyano asked the three remaining boys. " It isn't any trouble to get him to make something else. I remember when I first met Joe and went to his restaurant for the first time. I was furious that he didn't have chicken nuggets and made him make me some from scratch! So it isn't any trouble at all."
"Well, chicken nuggets do sound pretty good not gonna lie." Ogasawara said making them all laugh.
"Alright, so chicken nuggets for Ogasawara and me, and then pasta for the rest of us. Cool. What kind of pasta?"
"I'm good with a fettuccine or something, maybe with chicken." Hirano suggested to them.
"Yeah sounds good to me too." Sasaki said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Good?" Miyano asked Tashiro and Kurosawa, and upon getting nods called Joe.
It was a good ten minute call since he had to explain that he had friends over, and yes including his boyfriend, Joe! Gosh. Eventually though the boys headed down stairs to the game room. It wasn't massive but it was pretty spacious. It had a nice black and fuzzy rug with a fun looking multi-colored couch sitting on it. It was meant to hold three people but the matching side chairs made up for it so that they could all sit.
Miyano sat with Sasaki in the bigger of the side chairs, practically in his lap, and the others all sat on the other chairs with Ogasawara by himself on the other side chair. There were LED lights on around the corners of the room turned on to the purple setting, and a big T.V. sat in front of the couch area. On the other side of the room behind the couch was a ping pong table and some cool multi-colored lamps. There was also a green and black striped bing bag chair in one corner that normally belonged to Miya.
The boys sat down stairs for a few hours before Carla's voice came over the house's surround sound. "Voice recognized: Giant Gorilla- Hey Joe~" She said and Miya gulped very audibly.
"What's wrong?" Sasaki asked him before getting his answer himself when a burly man walked down the stairs.
"Miya~ introduce me to your friends!'' Joe said happily as he bounded over with the three bags of food, and sat down on Miya's bing bag.
"You stupid gorilla! You better not break that bing bag! It's mine." He said with a tick mark popping on his forehead.
"I won't, I won't. Hey kids, sorry you've got to deal with him; he's an ass.'' He said with his mouth hidden behind his hand and whispering.
"I'm right here! But anyway, this is my dad, Joe." Miya said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. The others where kind of surprised by his attitude around his dad but didn't really think much of it since he was at home, a different environment than school.
"Hey, I'm Joe, you guys can call me that if you want, I don't care." He said, smiling largely and pointing to himself.
"Cool, I'm Hirano, this is Ogasawara." Hirano said, pointing to Ogasawara as he introduced the boy who nodded at the man.
"This is Kurosawa and Tashiro, and this is Sasaki.'' Miyano said blushing at Sasaki's name.
Joe grinned when he saw that and pounced immediately. "So~ you're the boyfriend me and Cherry hear so much about huh? Not bad kid, he is a looker." He said and the boys in the room got a weird feeling. Was this dude checking them out?
"Shut up you gorilla, you're gonna make them uncomfortable with your weirdness." Miya scolded him. "Sorry, I promise he's not some kind of pervert, just a weirdo." He said since he noticed that what Joe said was kind of weird and perverted if you didn't know him well. This seemed to relieve the others a bit since they all relaxed and stopped looking at Joe weirdly.
"Of course I'm not some pervert you brat! Jeez, who raised you?" Joe said angrily, completely forgetting that technically he is raising him which all the boys thought was hilarious.
Joe looked completely dumbfounded for a few seconds until the realization hit him. "Oh yeah, I did." He thought for a second before stating defiantly. "Well then I blame it on Cherry!"
"Blame what on me?" A beautiful male voice said from the entrance of the room making them all jump and look towards the newcomer. It was a beautiful, tall man with long pink hair wearing a matching pink kimono. He had his hair up in a long ponytail that cascaded down his left shoulder like a pink waterfall. Really the man just screamed pink, but he made it look so majestic that they couldn't help but be captivated by him. All except two.
"Cherry!" Miyano said happily as he got up from Sasaki's lap, which Cherry certainly didn't ignore, and jumped onto Cherry who caught him in his arms.
His yell had startled the others out of their trances and they were surprised to see Miyano basically using the beautiful man as a cat tree. He wasnt ever that clingy to anything before, maybe his manga, but not a person.
"Hey Miya, what were you all talking about?" He said with an eerie aura surrounding him, though it seemed like it was completely invisible to Miya since he just smiled and told him like it was nothing, completely betraying Joe.
"We were doing introductions and Joe had just realized who Sasaki was," he pointed at the boy on the chair, " and he started to tease us, but it was a weird Joe kind of tease you know? So I called him out for sounding like a pervert and he was offended and said that it was your fault." Miya said, and with each word Joe seemed to sink deeper and deeper into the bing bag.
"Oh really?" The man, now dubbed Cherry, asked. Miya nodded happily. "Thanks Miya, you're so sweet." He said smiling and patting him on the head before turning to the others. " Hey, I'm Cherry, Miya's 'mom'. I'll be taking my husband upstairs now if you don't mind. Enjoy your dinner." He said as he walked over to Joe in large strides, grabbed his ear, and pulled him along up the stairs.
The boys stared after them for a moment before the door closed behind the two parents and then they all started to laugh hysterically. Miya was rolling in laughter on the ground and the other boys were rolling on their seats. It took a few minutes to calm down but finally they did and got back to eating their dinner. Almost silently.
"I didn't know you had two dads, Miya, did they like, adopt you, or...?"  Hirano asked him.
"Oh, well my real parents died a few years ago and I met Joe and Cherry at Sk8 during a race. They liked me and decided to fake adopt me as their youngest friend in our skating group, then they actually did adopt me since they didn't want me to go away, and I was practically their child anyway." The boy in question explained. The others were kinda shocked though because they had no idea that Miya's parents were dead.
"Jeez, I'm sorry Miya, I didn't know that your parents were dead." Sasaki said sadly. He felt kind of crappy since it was kind of like he didn't really know his boyfriend at all. He had no idea that he liked skating, and he didn't know that he was adopted, or that his dad owned a restaurant. It was just kind of weird to him, but he mostly felt bad about it. Was he not asking enough questions about him? Did he not trust Sasaki enough to tell him? He just didn't know.
He pushed his feelings aside though and the boys continued to have a good night. They played games, ate snacks, talked more than they normally got the chance to, and just generally got to know each other more. The boys had still been curious about Miyano's skating skills and they asked him many questions. They also asked him what it was like having gay dads, to which he looked a bit frizzled but ultimately answered anyway, saying that it was the same as his parents before, just better because it was Joe and Cherry.
Word count: 4467

Miyano as Miya Chinin-Sasaki to Miyano storyWhere stories live. Discover now