chapter 1 train timeeee

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(Name): means text
Words next to 💭 is thinking

(POV following Colette)
*Akfksejjsiegnk* *Akfksejjsiegnk*

Colette turns off her alarm that is a voice recording of tick's gibberish. She takes a minute to wake up and remember what day it is.


Colette jumps out of bed buzzing with excitement. She rushes to kitchen and trys to eat cereal fast and to not choke on it. Suddenly her phone buzzed.

(Edgar): Are we meeting at the train station?

(Colette): hell yes!

(Edgar): Alr

Colette puts her phone away and dashes to the bathroom to brush her unusually sharp teeth. then runs back to her room to dress up in a blue top and black and pink pants and get her bag and luggage.
As she leaves her house she try to see if any of her parents are still here.

💭Hmm guess they are still at that business trip.

She leaves for the train station and begins to write in her scrapbook to pass the time since it will be a 15-20 minute walk.

Dear Scrapbook,

OMG it's finally August 32 (A/N I know that's not a read date.) and you know what day it is! I can't wait to see all of my friends and to listen to all the drama. I'll probably keep still running. (A/N Yes I gave her a expose account. She'd probably have that!)

As she is writing she gets caught up on her thoughts.
💭Does mom and dad know that it is moving day? Do they even remember me?
What if they just sent me to a boarding school to get-

Suddenly she faceplant onto a street lamp. Colette takes a few minutes for her head to stop hurt and realizes that the train station and Edgar is not too far away. She then puts her scrapbook away planning to write in it later.

"Edgar wait up!!"

Edgar turns to see Colette sprinting to him.

(POV following Edgar)

Edgar wake ups too his alarm clock, it being a MCR song which is his guilty pleasure.

Edgar looks at his calendar and sees the date.

"August 32. Oh shit."

Edgar realized that it was move in day. At least he already packed up his things into his luggage, but he thought this day would come slower. Edgar then eats breakfast, brush his teeth, and dress up. He wears his classic black and white scarf and almost all black clothes.

He then decides to text Colette.

(Edgar): Are we meeting at the train station?

(Colette): hell yes!

(Edgar): Alr

He puts his phone away prepares to go to the train station. He sees his mother as they exchange their farewells .A little later he is listening to music through his $5 earphones and is close to the train station when he hears Colette.

He turns to see her just to only get tackled by hugs.

(POV Following both of them)

"Ack Colette!"

"Hehe sorry I just missed you!"

"We worked the same summer job and just saw each other yesterday."

"I still missed you!"

They began walking to the station together.
Colette begins spouting out all of the things she's excited for.

"I am soOOO excited to see Emz and Bibi again. It's been too long since I've seen their real faces in real life."

"Let's hope Emz won't bring up her being shy too ask Poco out in almost every conversation."

"Hey! We've have to give her advice as her wingmans."

"We've been wingmaning her since a year and a half ago."

They finally reached the train station and pays their tickets. They see hear a Voice on a speaker say.

"Station 5-2 is serving Brawltopia Boarding School on train 3000, it is able to hold 3,000 passenger. It has 5 stops over Brawltopia so be patient."

"Guess we should get going."

They head over to 5-2 and sees a bunch of parents saying their goodbyes to their children. Then they see a young tickets boy that looks like the imagery of sad. He punches the tickets.

"Now remember to keep the tickets since they'll check it when your on the train and when it stops."

They get onto the train just to hear a bunch of people chatting. they decide to go to the somewhat back of the train.

(724 words not including this)

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