Chapter 3 That is called terrorism

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(Meanwhile on another cart.)

Leon is getting bored waiting and waiting to get down the train. He gets an idea to go to his other friends.



He tried calling his sister but she was busy fighting Bonnie. Well, either playing or fighting he couldn't tell the difference, actually no one knew the difference.
Anyway he decides to just leave Nita to find his friends.

💭Nita would be fine. She has Bonnie so she's not completely alone. (A/N rule number 1 never leave someone on a train alone.)

After walking for couple of minutes he sees Gus, Jessie, Meg, and Penny. (A/N I still think that Penny is a child after her remodeling) They all are huddled around S.R.A.P.P.Y. which seems to be broken. He decides to go invisible and sneak up on the group.

"What are you guys doing."


Only Jessie is surprised from Leon sneaking up on them.

"Hi Leon"

Leon decides to sit down across Jessie and Meg Next to Gus and Penny. Meg replies to Leon's question.

"We're trying to fix S.R.A.P.P.Y. Jessie dropped the bag that was holding it when she tried putting it on the Overhead compartment. "

"Hmm I guess we'll need some extra parts for this. Does anyone have something we can use for extra parts?"

"I Guess you can use my extra cannon for parts."

"Oh thanks Penny!

Penny goes to the over head compartment and gets her bag. She dumps her bag onto the floor to find her cannon which was unecessary because of how big her cannon was. Although her friends didn't expect that there was a whole ass bomb inside of it.






"oh. Well it's fine I'll just give you my cannon and not the bomb."

Neither of them wanted to explain bringing a bomb on a train is very legal. Penny begins trying to take the bomb out of her cannon. After a couple of trys she gets the bomb out of the cannon. BUT SUPPRISE ITS IGNITED.


Penny throws the ignited bomb to Leon which he threw to Gus then to Jessie. They basically played hot potato with the bomb. Eventually Gus just blew the rope on the bomb violently. Everyone turns to Penny with a "not-so pleased" look.



Ah Spike where do I begin. Basically ten years ago when Colette meet Spike it became admiring because Spike is "SOoOoo cute!" (A/N not like in a crush way.) To full on stalking in a couple of years.

Colette decided to just try leave without paying any attention to her friends "hell nos" Then suddenly Edgar grabs Colette with his scarf knowing that she will just harass Spike. Colette Begins thrashing around trying to escape from Edgar's scarf grasp.

"Hey Emz, Can you- contact- Bibi to see- where she will be- coming in?"


Emz: Bibi



Bibi: WHAT

Emz: do you know where youll enter the train

Bibi: Uhh idk I just got to the platform.


Bibi: I'll tell you why when I'm actually on the train.

Bibi: I think I'm coming in in the front.
Emz: K btw we are on cart H seats 1.

Bibi: thanks

"She's coming through the front."

"K Thanks-"


A bit later Bibi runs through the train then stops violently making her slide. She gets launched onto the free seat Edgar was sitting at face first.


"Are you like, good?"

Spike looks left and right entering the train looking to see if Colette was going to jump out of nowhere. He sees she's not there so he enters the train through the back. He is relieved to see that Colette was not there so he decides to sit in that cart.

" So I forgot to pack my stuff even though uli remembered everything else."

"Wow that's ruff."

Edgar says sympatheticly. It was a couple of minutes after the train stopped the the train was still not moving because of tickets checking. A bit after that and the train was moving. The train speaker turns on

"Well student you have a 1.5 hours untill you go to your school. Have fun!"

(719 words not including this)

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