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After 6 hours the train stops at it's 4th station. Colette is basically shaking because this is where Emz is at. Edgar is very confused on why Colette is shaking and asks her.

"Yo you good, you look like you're having a seizure."

"What! You don't know this is Emz station. Basically everyone knows this is Emz station."

"No, not everyone knows that because they don't spend 50% of their time stalking everyone at BBS."

"Oh yeah,"

Since Edgar wasn't as excited as her she decided to just run to wherever Emz was at.

"What the, COLETTE!"

Edgar needed his ticket and Colette has it, he was going to get kicked out if didn't have it. Since it took about 30 minutes to check all of the tickets he had to find Colette before they headed off to the next stop. It would be easy too find her at that time right?



There was multiple ways to enter the train. And this train can house 3000 people.


Edgar began running as fast as he can because she was faster than him (A/N idk if that's true don't fact check me.)
He then saw Brock, Shelly, & Colt arguing about something a few carts ahead. He takes a sharp stop slipping a bit when he did that.

"Hey have you guys seen Colette?"

He yelled a bit when he said that.

"Huh? No, we haven't."


He starts running again to the next cart and stops to ask a little girl with bear hat or pelt on her head, he wasn't sure and wasn't going to ask. But when he was about to ask her another girl with pink hair wearing some stunt outfit got shot out a cannon going her direction. The girl with the bear pelt decided to lunge at her when she did that.

As that was happening a boy sitting next to the girl was wearing a green chameleon hoodie covering his eyes was just starried right ahead sucking on a red lollipop. He just decided to ask him sinnce he knows both the boy and the girl with the bear pelt because he babysat them one time.

"Leon! Have you seen a crazy chick with white hair, blue shirt, and black and pink pants?"

"I think, but she was running fast so I didn't see that much, she was just running straight ahead."


Edgar ran straight ahead looking left and right to try to find her. He then saw a familiar yellow skeleton with a black suit and hat playing the guitar attracting almost a crowd of people on the cart to him. Edgar thought that since this was Emz stop Poco was here because they lived in the same town ( A/N oh yeah I forgor to tell you that Brawltopia was a country)

"Poco! Have you seen Emz or Colette on this train yet?"

Poco stopped playing the guitar making the small crowd unpleased. He then pointed to the seats at the very front of the cart.

Edgar then saw Colette and Emz talking.

"Ugh, finally!"

Poco noticed how he was stressed before and now relieved and a bit of annoyed. He then asked.

"Are you okay?"


"Oh I meant it not like that it's just you were stressed when you ask me where Colette and Emz was at."

Edgar decided to take a seat next to Poco.

"Oh Colette went off running to find Emz when we where at this stop. She had my ticket and I would be kicked off this train if I didn't have it."

"Yeesh they really would do that?"

Edgar decided to talk to Poco as he waited for the train worker to check the tickets. As he was talking with Poco he thought.

💭Dang he is so easy to talk to. Like why is Emz afraid to talk to him if she would embarrass herself he would just roll with it. Well, I really shouldn't ask why because my crush is VERY questionable.

A little later the train worker arrives and Colette finally realized that she left Edgar all alone.

"Shoot I think I left Edgar alone. I have his ticket."

"Oh I wondered where he was like at."

Colette gives her ticket to the train worker and violently turns her head to only find Edgar talking to Poco. Edgar notices Colette staring at him and says goodbye to Poco, walks up to the seats where Colette and Emz where sitting at. He sits down across Colette and Emz and says.

"Hi. Colette. Funny. Seeing. You. Here."

"Haha hi Edgar....."

Awkward silence is between the three. Two seconds later the ticket guy says.

"Okay sir I'm gonna need your ticket."

Colette fishes the ticket out of her bag gives it to Edgar and then he gives it to the ticket checker guy. There was still silence when the ticket guy left. Then it was immediately it was broken when Emz randomly said.

"So, Edgar what did you do over the summer?"


A hour and a half later. The 5th stop came and it was now 3:00. The fifth stop was Bibi's. Once again Colette was shaking. Edgar noticed this and says.

"Oh hell no Colette you are not going anywhere!"

"Wow, was like Colette really annoying to find"

Edgar nods then turns back to Colette.

But this is Spike's stop!"

(901 word not including this)

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