Chapter 4 ma ma moving in

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"Finally, land!"

Colette flops onto the floor.

" Ugh, Colette, get off the floor."


(At the school's auditorium)

A small robot with one eye and a green and yellow bracelet walks ups to the front of the stages and taps a microphone.

" Hello students! Welcome to Brawltopia Boarding School, home to the most famous brawlers! Sorry for the principal not being here, they weren't feeling too well. Anyway classes starts the day after tomorrow so you will have time to set up your dorm, your class schedule will be passed out after this announcement and you can get your keys to your dorms at the office. You can't switch your dorms with anyone and you can't be in the same dorm room as a person of the opposite of your gender, no exceptions! If you have any more questions head over to the office to ask."

The small robot Nani, concludes her announcement and walks off the stage.


" Which classes did you guys get?"

Colette says as she stares at her paper.

"Dunno let's just compare."

(Saying what classes they share together to save timeeee)

Conveniently they all shared Combat training for there 3rd period.

Edgar and Bibi was in the same homeroom Social Studies/History
Edgar and Collette both had P.E. together in 2nd period, Bibi and Emz had P.E. together too but in 4th period.

And lastly Edgar and Emz has the same last period Science.

(This was not on purpose for Edgar to have the same period as all of his friends but whatever)

"No fairrrrr Edgar has all periods with us."

"Well, At least it won't make this emo fucker jump off a cliff"

"Ugh, Bibi!"

"What?! Am a wrong?"

"You guys, let's just go to the office and get our keys"


(POV following Edgar)

Edgar gets his keys and looks at his paper again to see who's his roommate.

💭Hmm Fang?, Eh whatever.

Edgar says goodbye to his friends and heads to his dorm at heist building room 08. He opens the door to see the room bare with only two beds and desks, one set on the left one on the right. He gets all of his stuff and begins unpacking when suddenly Fang bursts through the door almost kicking it down. Edgar is obviously upset about this and yells.

"Fang! What the hell, you were going to break the door!"

"Oops. Sorry!"

Fang then gets his stuff in the room.

(POV following Emz)

To say it bluntly Emz is very lost, even though she has been going to BBS for 6+years. She has been looking for her room for about 15 minutes. She gets too the end of gem building and doesn't see her room.

"UgggGGGHH. I have to walk to the other side!"

She then sprints to the other side of the building and finds her room.


She then aggressively opens her door and flops onto the bed.
Her new roommate, Janet is very concerned because she just heard yelling and Emz violently opening the door and flopping on the bed.

(Didn't write about Bibi & Colette because I think they would not have any problems getting to their rooms/ I didn't have any ideas)

Edgar, Bibi, Colette, and Emz are now sitting in one of barley's bar locations in a mall near the campus. Since they were basically all done setting up their rooms Edgar decided to propose an idea.

"Hey, you guys want to visit the abandoned building at the campus."

A/n I'm sorry for being dead for a while school is kinda ending so I might upload more. Also I named the dorm rooms after the game modes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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