Undertale universe...
In the underground, there is 3 food business.
Grillby,Muffet and Annie
Annie is a little bunny monster who open up a bakery cafe in Snowdin.
Frisk are walking through the Snowdin and smelled something delicious from one of the shop.
They follow the scent until they come upon Annie's Café;
Frisk enter the café and saw a little bunny monster at the reception table.
"Hello there! You seemed new here, my name is Annie. Do you want to taste my pastries?"
Annie's outfit;
Reminder: pick one character design and she is not a half human.
Annie's menu;
My Randomness
De Todoit was a bunch of unfinished stories that I think about it when I was in a boarding school. It a mix of different fandoms. - UnderTale - The Promised Neverland - Others Well, this may be include fluff, romance or not. #Do not request anything.