Can someone accept pain as it is?
Only I know the things that put me through the edges.
I think am healed now but I in quote "relapse"
"I" does not really mean me , it's a reference
I'm still unable to..... to talk about it without getting emotional.
Yes I cry not about stupid things but of the things I see and feel.
"She " will say everyone feels this way.........
No they don't
"She" will say everyone goes through something like this....that's not consolation at all.
I became more scared to live than to die and it hurt more to see you feel my pain than to be in pain.
Not only was I miss understood, lonely, angry and scared I was not willing anymore.
I always had the thought to be careful
With my actions and my reactions.
Honestly I think am overreacting so I think you will say..... everyone gets sick but not everyone goes from being a healthy girl to what this was.
They all were so positive it was not permanent,I know it wasn't but at the moment so it felt.
It start with a day in my life to years in my life
It was a small than became so big
But it's over now am sure of it
But I am still overwhelmed by it. Living with pain I guess it was just that.
Am lucky, better than others
I have alot I wish I could say