Do What You Normally Do

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"Alright, my lovely actors" Lando starts and Max notices how his fingers are fidgeting a bit excessively with the camera in his hands. Guess he's also a bit nervous about what's to come. "Just.. eh.. sit down on the bed and we'll see what comes naturally". Max frowns but does as he's told and sits down on the mattress next to Charles, their backs resting against the living room wall. He can feel his heartbeat betraying him as he makes sure that they're not touching, not yet. As if his prayers were heard, Lando takes out his phone and the familiar melody to Peer Pressure starts playing in the room, hiding the sound of Max's racing heart. He turns his head and feels relieved to see Charles' uneasy expression next to him. As soon as Charles notices the concerned look immediately turns into a daring smirk.

"You can still tap out, Verstappen. If this is a little too much for you" Charles teases and Max's blood starts to boil in his veins. Before he can reply Lando speaks up again, probably aware of what would have come out of his roommate's mouth if he didn't.

"Do what you would do normally, and pretend I'm not even here" the young Brit says and gives a warning look to Max who raised his eyebrow at the last part. Usually, no one dares to leave the two of them alone, hell would probably break loose between them if they did. But not this time. Max takes a deep breath and pushes all of his nerves to the side and replaces it with pure dedication. Dedication to keep his promise of proving the infuriating Monegasque wrong. Before thinking twice he turns towards Charles and pulls on the man's leg, guiding him to sit in his lap. He can't help but to smile proudly as he hears Charles' breath catch in his throat. The brunette grabs on to Max's biceps by pure reflex, stabilising himself on top of the other man. Max's hands wander over Charles body, not quite daring to look anywhere else besides Charles' chest that's right in front of him as he does.

"Christ..." Charles gasps, still shocked by the sudden movement. The Dutchman pulls their bodies flush together, riding the adrenaline rush he's having and desperately hoping that Lando is recording his efforts.

"That's perfect Max. Keep going" Lando sounds overjoyed and in the corner of his eye Max can see his roommate sweeping the camera over them. Making sure to capture everything that's happening.

Charles, who's managed to pull himself together by now, shifts slightly in Max's lap and goes on to lace his fingers into the slightly damp hair of the Dutchman, pulling softly. Max bites his lip, to prevent any unwelcome notices slipping out, as he hears Charles hum in his ear. It's time for another daring move. He snakes both of his arms around Charles' body and collects the majority of his black shirt in his hand, showing off the monegasque's bare skin to the camera.

"Is that a hint?" Charles breathes, still right next to his ear. Max doesn't respond, he just digs his fingers deeper into the other man's hips and leans back, far enough for them to look straight into each other's eyes. It's Max's time to stop breathing for a second as Charles, without breaking eye contact, slowly and seductively pulls his shirt over his head. Max's eyes goes from Charles' chest, to his pink nipples, to his carved out abs and then back up to his glimmering eyes again. He's the one who feels exposed right now, even if he's the one who's still fully dressed. Charles' pale skin is on display, on his lap, and for a moment he's going back an forth between the urge to push the man off him or pull him in closer...

Max is yet to kiss another man. He has known for quite some time that he does find other men attractive but it has just felt so foreign to actually get physical with one. He finds Alex and George absolutely adorable, but when it comes to himself he haven't dared trying anything. It just feels too personal, too risky. He needs to regain the control now, or he might do something he'll regret. His hands leaves Charles' hips and proceeds to grip the hem of his own shirt when he's stopped by his roommate.

"Charles should do it". Lando says and Max can feel something twist in his stomach, anticipation? But he lets the fabric fall through his fingers. Charles stretches proudly with the usual smirk, as if he's been delegated an very important task and he makes sure that Lando has the camera ready before pushing his hands under Max's shirt. His cold fingers travel softly from his sides, up over his chest and nipples. Max tires not to gasp at the touch, although he can feel his nipples harden. He puts his arms up and suddenly he too is shirtless, on the bed, with Charles on his lap. How the fuck did his life get to this?!

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