The Finished Product

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The sight of Charles alone might be enough to push Max over the edge. The way his supple thighs flex under his fingers as he lifts and lowers himself, or the way his head is thrown back and his hair is sticking to his forehead. Max needs to divert his eyes, involuntarily moving them to the monegasque's hard, bouncing cock in front of him.

"Arrh. You're so tight" the Dutchman moans, even if he didn't quite mean to say that out loud. Charles smiles tiredly, his legs are starting to burn from the hard work he's putting in and Max can feel how they're starting to shake under his hands. "Let's swap!" Max offers, taking a hold of the other man's waist to flip them around. It doesn't go as smoothly as they would have hoped, Charles collapses onto him and Max only manages to move a little to one side, letting Charles slide off him and onto the bed. The brunette's back is now pressed against Max's chest and he finds himself enjoying the closeness very much. They both burst out laughing at their clumsiness, making Max's heart skip a beat.

"We could just do it like this" Charles says softly after a while and ruts his ass against Max's hardness. The Dutchman is wasting no time and swings a strong arm around the other man, holding him close as he once again enters the tight heat of Charles' body. They both moan as if they weren't doing exactly this, only 10 seconds ago. As Max starts to move his hips, going deeper each thrust, Charles turns his head to face him over his shoulder. His hands are clinging on desperately to Max's arm and he goes in for a very sloppy and romantic kiss. Max is loving every single second he's inside this gorgeous man, but with every move he makes he can feel himself getting closer. And so does Charles.

"Yes, yes, yes. Max! More!" He moans over and over, his right hand moving desperately fast to his own cock. Max is starting to zone out, unaware of how his arm is pulling Charles unbelievably close to him as he does his final thrusts, going into the daze that is his best orgasm ever. Only a few moments after, when he comes back to it, he realises that Charles has gone completely limp in his arms, only his chest heaving as he tries to calm down from his high. Max takes a few seconds to appreciate the beautiful silhouette in front of him before leaning in and placing some gentle kisses right behind the monegasque's ear.

"That was..." he whispers, voice filled with happiness and satisfaction. He doesn't even know how to describe it.

"Yeah, I agree" Charles confirms, sounding just as happy and a bit sleepy as well. Then they just lay there, Max is still to remove his softening cock from inside Charles but he chooses not to, the feeling being way too nice to ruin unless Charles says something. He doesn't. He's nuzzled in Max's strong arms, using his fingertips to lazily draw patterns on the hairy skin on his forearm.

"I might have ruined your bedsheets". Charles' shy comment makes Max giggle. As if it wasn't totally worth it.

"It's alright. I'll throw it in the washer with Lando's stuff later" Max reassures him. Charles sighs happily and moves away from Max's chest, whining a little at the sensation of the Dutchman slipping out of him, only to turn around and lay on his stomach, looking directly at the man next to him. Max blushes, the vulnerability hitting him as the after-glow starts to ware off.

"You know, Lando always tell me that we could be great mates" Charles says, squinting a little as he looks into Max's eyes, searching.

"Yeah, he has told me that too" Max replies and frowns a little. "Why weren't we?". The last years seeming fuzzy in the shadow of what just happened. Now it's Charles' turn to frown.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. I just really wanted to impress you, and it turned into me having to outdo you in everything"

"Impress me? Why?" Max is genuinely confused but he doesn't stop holding onto the other man's arm as he doesn't want to lose the connection.

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