...for an intriguing stranger

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A bouquet of Chamomile, Fern, Lotus, and Yellow Tulips for an intriguing stranger


The air was warmer, the sun felt brighter. William felt the change in the air when he got off of the train. Michael didn't take note of it since he believed it wasn't as different as the air in France. They had passed through France when they got off of their boat and later took a train to Paris. From Paris they went to Modane and then to Susa. They had lunch right before boarding their next train which, after many stops, was finally arriving in Florence.

"We'll be staying in a very comfortable hotel. It's a bit less than an hour's walk away but thankfully someone will come pick us up in a while." Michael explained. William wasn't paying attention since he was much more interested in exploring Florence. He wanted to see everything there was to see, or at least what he could manage in one day.

"Actually, could I maybe take a stroll?" William asked. "You told me where the hotel is so I think I'll be able to find my way later in the evening." Michael simply crossed his arms and huffed. "You can do as you please. Don't come back too late. I need to tell you about our plans for tomorrow." William walked off right before Michael could finish talking, he couldn't help it.

Walking down the rocky roads and taking turns into smaller dirt alleys, William was alive. He couldn't remember clearly the last time he felt this way but he had once. It was so nostalgic. When had he felt this way? And where exactly?

Shadows of a building casted on his face. After further inspection he realized the building was a church. A beautiful, yet quite old church. He wasn't particularly religious but he knew his mother and father were. Walking towards the church with his long steps till he finally traverses an alleyway to where he could fully admire the building from up front. It truly was a sight for sore eyes.

From what he could see from afar, it was a decently tall church with lovely architecture and interior, or at least what he could make out. Many people walked in and out which brought a strange sense of tranquility, of peace. He didn't know exactly why he felt this way but he found it interesting nonetheless.

He kept walking, feeling how some rocks would make his ankles adjust awkwardly so he didn't hurt himself. His focus however, was elsewhere. Somewhere between enjoying the pungent fragrances carried by the soft wind or the colorful masterpiece that the overgrowing flowers painted along the walls of buildings for all to see.

So far, Florence felt like it could be a poem. In the little time William had been here, he started to gain hope that maybe he could find inspiration in this place. Perhaps it could be a setting for a story, or a feeling, however he still didn't have much to do other than the few things he had managed to see so far, which were very little.

After a few minutes, maybe a bit more than just a few, he finally let himself make a stop at a small bakery. "Ciao, come stai?!" A man he could only assume was the owner greeted him from behind a small counter that displayed a plethora of different kinds of bread.

"Buongiorno! Vorrei comprare un donut, per favore." William said with a very noticeable accent, however the baker was either unaware of it or indifferent since he seemed to not take note of it at all. (Good morning! I would like to buy a donut, please.)

"Certamente, vuoi un donut al cioccolato o alla crema?" The baker asked, pointing at the donuts on display. William thought for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't understand the question, but in fact his brain had suddenly gone blank. He couldn't remember how to formulate an answer to a simple question. (Certainly, do you want a chocolate or cream-filled donut?)

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