...for their unwavering strength

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A bouquet of Red Camellia, Pink Carnation, Edelweiss, Gladiatus, Clover, and Gardenia for their unwavering strength


My dearest Giuseppe,

I have finally arrived back home in London. I am hoping you receive this message in good health. As I sit down to write this letter, I find myself transported back to the winding streets of Florence, where we spent so many happy days together. The scent of flowers and the warmth of the sun on my skin brings me back to the moments we shared, and I am filled with longing to be by your side once again.

It seems that I cannot escape your influence, even here in London. Whenever I see a flower or plant, I cannot help but think of you with every bloom. Each rose, lily, and daisy carries with it a message, and you have taught me how to decipher it.

It was you who taught me the language of flowers, and I cannot thank you enough for this gift. I have always struggled to express myself with words, but the flowers have given me a new way to convey my feelings. And oh, how I feel for you!

From the moment I met you, I knew that you were someone special. Your gentle manner, your kind eyes, and your love for life drew me in, and I found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you with each passing day.

I know that we must keep our love a secret, and that pains me deeply, but I take comfort in the fact that I can write to you. Until the day we can be together again, know that I carry you in my heart always. You have changed my life in ways that I cannot express in neither words nor flowers. I am forever thankful for your love.

With all my heart,


PS: Attached I send to you a simple bouquet of flowers I read about in a book on their language.

My dearest William,

I am so happy to recive your words, and I can not express how much they mean to me. Your feelings for me have touched me deeply, and I am longing for the day when we can be together again.

The flowers you have sent me are so beutiful. I can tell that you have taken great care in choosing them. Each bloom carries a special mesage, and I am touched by the thouhtfulness behind it.

I am also pleased to hear that you have continued to study the language of flowers. It is a language that is rich with meaning and history, and it warms my heart to think that we share this knowledge together.

I must apologize for any mistakes in my English. It is not my first language and I strugle at times to find the right words. But I hope that my feelings come through despite my limitations. In any case, I know that you understand me, just as I understand you.

I cannot wait for the day when we can be together again, and when we can walk hand in hand through gardens once more. Until then, know that you are always in my thouhts, and that my love for you grows stronger each day.

With all my heart,


Mio caro Giuseppe, 

     (My dear/darling Giuseppe)

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