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°Chapter 3°

I was greeted with a sharp knock on the door. I quicky got up but the pain was like a punch to the gut. Hissed through my teeth. It was Kam that entered. "Hey how you feeling?" She said with a concered look on her face.

Pain was now slowly ebbing away and I looked down at my side as I shrugged.

"Ehhh its been a good-what three- four days now?" I nodded to myself.
Kam only nodded thoughtfully.
"Alrighty then if your up for it I wanna show you the rest of the warehouse."

"Sure why not- I mean I've only seen the Medical Wing, which is where Haddilyn and Winston both work right?" I said trying to recall the events the night before when  I had asked Haddilyn for the bathroom. Which she lead me outside of the room I was currently staying in.
"Correct, the Medical wing is one of our very valued departments in the warehouse. We basically have everything you need here." She said with rased brows.

My mind swirled,
"Wait wait wait, what do you mean by 'department'?"

"Hm? Oh I know its a bit confusing but thats why I wanted to show you the rest of the place, so things make more sense." She said with a awkward grin.

I sighed through my nose.

"Okay yea I dont even have enough brain cells to figure out where I am." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sure, you definitely need to get out of this room anyway." She said as she snorted through her nose.

I shook my head. "About time." I said as I basically ripped the bedsheets off me. Carefully I stood up and walked towards her. Grinning she turned to open the door.
"After you." She bows sarcastically. I raise a brow at her. A grin forms on my face. Shes definitely the class clown here.

I walk past her only to see Haddilyn sitting at a desk in the corner. With bottles and books with loose papers scattered around. She moved some bottles of sort before turning to me.

"Oh hey! How do feel?" She said with a warm smile.

"Much better." I said nodding.
"Ohhh yeaa this guy is ready to hit ground running Haddilyn, im tellin' ya." Kam says as she shoots finger guns.
Haddilyn waves her hand at her.
"Sure whatever you say Kam."

"Jeez your acting like I'm gonna kill the poor guy." She says and gaves Haddilyn a lazy shrug.

I stare at Kam.
"You know I'm still here right?" I say as I point to myself.

She gasps covering her mouth in the most dramatical way, "Oh my gosh realllyy?"

Haddilyn sighs through her nose.
"Okay okay! Sorry we'll go now." She says with her hands up.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
Haddilyn only snorted as she resumed to her work.

"Alright lets go." Kam says as she opens a another door for me.

The sound of many voices and bustling
hits my ears. All I see was sun rays but a few seconds later my eyes adjust. "What the fuck..." I whisper my voice barely audible.

Metal walls towered of everything. Vines and all kinds of vegetation were growing on the old rusted walls. But below there were tents of all sizes made from worn fabric. Pieces of scrap metal, wood, and fabric could be seen at the corners for the Warehouse. The ground was a mix of dirt and cement that over time the two and merged and became sort of one compacted flooring.

"Welcome to The Warehouse." Kam says at last.
"Holy shit this place is huge." I breathed, still looking at the everything.
"I know right? That's why I'm giving you a tour today." She says as she starts to walk away. She only stops to glance back beckoning me to follow.
"Com' on I have a lot to to show you."

I nod,"Yea Im comin'."

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