3. Get Him, Falcon

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3 months later...


"He looks nothing like you, Jo." Stella pouted as she held her son out to her sleeping best friend. "Absolutely nothing like you. And your worst fear came true, he seems to have taken completely after his father!"

"Thanks." Anthony rolled his eyes as he went through his file. Anthony was not as delusional anymore. He came to the realization that he could not manifest Joanne into recovering, and of course, the birth of his baby boy made him divide his attention between the baby, Stella, Joanne, and work.

Leon and Gregory wanted Anthony to slack off on work and take care of his family but he refused to drop any more workload on them considering Xander was taking time off as well, and Stella was completely supportive of him. He worked mostly from home. And no matter what, he insisted that his queen needed her beauty sleep after hustling with their baby boy and so he took care of their son at night.

One would say he was being very unhealthy with his sleep and nutrition, and overworking himself, but it was a fact that he and his wife were much better off than any new parents because they had so many people to help them out.

Xander, on the other hand, had taken up gaming, that too the same MMORPG that his wife played. He had reached level seventy-two in the last two months he had started. He was nowhere near Joanne's five hundred and twenty-third level, but he planned to get there with her someday.

He ate, played games, helped out with small matters in the business, talked about anything and everything to his wife, and whispered "I love you" to her with every other breath he took.

They had moved her to the house, and they had four nurses, taking turns of two at all times. And she was waking up. She was going to wake up soon.

"Look!" Stella jumped as she saw Joanne's finger twitch ever so slightly.

"Shhh..." Anthony shushed her. "Please control yourself babe or you will shock her back to unconsciousness."

"Like she shocked you with the pregnancy news?" Xander chuckled as he walked in with Wolverine in tow.

"Hey baby Joe, fed up with your parents already?" He tickled the baby's nose before sitting down on the armchair he lived on these days. The baby was not named yet. Stella would have tried to keep the baby in as long as she could if it were in her hands but she was not letting Joanne miss out on anything else.

Olivia was the godmother but Joanne was going to name the baby, and until then, he was baby Joe.

Xander leaned in to place a quick peck on his wife's cheek and said, "You need to wake up soon, baby. Leo is so distracted with Livy that he is messing up all the coding he has been doing lately. You need to smack him on his head and then deal with all the work."

"As if she is going to entertain you as soon as she wakes up!" Anthony snickered. "He is going to have to rub his nose on your feet for you to forgive him, right Jo?"

"Stop pitting my wife against me, Tony!" Xander raised a brow. He liked his brother better when he was on Team Xander.

"I am just reminding you of your near future, Xandy. For all we know, she would open her eyes and jumpscare you today."

'There it was.' Stella thought as she looked longingly at her best friend. 'The hope that you will wake up any moment and fill this house with life again, Jo. Wake up.'

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