8. Consider Your Wish Granted

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"How are you feeling?" Dr. Klein, Joanne's nephrologist looked up and smiled at her before he went back to skimming through the file of reports in front of him. 

"Like I have been sleeping for three months." Joanne rolled her eyes and looked over at her husband. "You could have tried kissing me to see if I wake up." 

"I did try." Xander shrugged while Dr. Klein laughed. "It turns out true love's kiss is of no use when it comes to bullet wounds." 

Joanne's lips slightly parted as she stared wide-eyed at her husband. Did he just say true love? Did he get his hands on her personal journal as well? How much did he know?

"Things are looking very promising, Joanne. You will be back to your normal life in less than two weeks."

He closed the file and sat straight up, smiling at her and Xander. 

"That's great," Xander said. He seemed awfully nervous. It was a cute sight to look at but Joanne could not help but wonder if there was something more to it. She wanted to ask but then decided that she was better off without any more on her plate. When it was time to tell her, they would tell her. She did not plan to stress herself for it. 

"I don't know how great it's going to be with a Doberman for a husband." She muttered under her breath and then looked at the doctor. "So, can we go now?"

"Right after I brief you through your medications, Joanne."




The office buzzed with its usual workday activities. And a swarm of people rushed out of the conference room as Samuel Ames spoke to his secretary about what all he wanted for the day.

"Stay back for a moment, Mrs. King." He called out to Olivia. 

She took in a deep breath as she turned to him, willing herself to act normal so that he did not realize that she was hiding his biggest happiness from him. 

"Is everything alright back home?" He asked her as soon as he thanked his secretary. 

"Yes!" Olivia hated how shrill her voice was. "Everything's great. Swell! What could be wrong?" 

"Well, you know there is one thing that is very very wrong in that house." He sighed, running his fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair. He always used to dye his hair black but now he did not care so much about appearance. And his hair was greying at an alarming rate due to the immense stress he was going through. 

"She is... well. Stable." Olivia croaked out, her palms sweating. She sucked at lying. "They say she will wake up any day now." 

Samuel gave her a long look. "You are telling the truth, right? You came to the office late today so I am just so worried something must be wrong with her."

"No no..." Olivia smiled. "Anika needed help with Ava. That's why I am late." Olivia was ready to run as far away from Samuel as possible. "Sammy, I swear everything is great."

Samuel nodded, giving her a forced smile. "I just wish my kid would just wake up." 

"Consider your wish granted."

Samuel and Olivia spun towards the double door which was partly open.

The door flung fully open, and in walked Joanne, with Xander by her side, holding the doors as if Joanne was fragile enough to get mashed between them.

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