Chapter 19: Lonely

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I need a recommendation
You seem like someone with good taste

"Doubtfully" Minho rolled his eyes.

Chan sighed at his behaviour, a concern frown on his face.

Innie Jr
Do go on, my child

What's your favorite kpop song?

"Do better Changbin" Seungmin shook his head.

Changbin glared at him, pointing the phone at him. "Why don't you do it instead, like you could do better"

Innie Jr
Um. . .pink venom?
Cause it's the only one I know

Wait for real?

Innie Jr
I'm not into kpop


Innie Jr
Should I be?

"Wow, I am speechless" Hyunjin brows knitted, he gazed at Jeongin's phone contemplating on what to next.

"I'm actually surprised that you're not overreacting" Felix pointed out. "And scared that Han isn't talking" he narrowed his eyes to the said person who was oddly quiet.

"Because I'm thinking, what if she isn't a she but actually Jyp testing us" jisung articulated, rubbing his chin.

"Go back to being quiet" Minho sneered, shoving tissues in his mouth.

Innie Jr
Fine, ignore me

I hate you fr

Don't ever talk to me

Yin turned off her phone, grunting angrily. She fell back on her bed, sinking in the comfort. "I knew they'd be the same" she muttered bitterly.

People she talks to always leave, she only has jaesung since childhood and she was okay with that, right?

Closing her eyes to catch some sleep, Yin heard her phone ting. She clicked on the notification.

Hi, I'm sorry for leaving. . .again

Yin puffed her cheeks, staring at the message. "I should wait a while before replying, don't wanna look desperate" she thought, softly biting her lip.

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