Chapter 18: Cracc mission

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"Hii? Is that the only thing you could think of?" Hyunjin face palmed, his eyes closed, followed by a 'tsk'

"What was I suppose to say?" Jeongin brows knitted.

"Text, but fair point" Hyunjin accepted defeat, shrugging.

Innie Jr
Lemme guess-
You're someone in that gc?

Changbin blinked, before raising a brow, his hands on his knees. "Innie Jr?"

"Well. . ." Jeongin trailed off, his eyes narrowed.

"Just continue" Chan urged him, waving his hand.


Innie Jr
I don't wanna talk to any of you.

"Dang, she used the full stop, periodt" Jisung laughed, holding Felix for support.

Why? :(
But I'm nice

Innie Jr
Nice my pickle jar
I was pouring my heart out
Confessing my love for that shirt-
And you-
You ignored me 😒

"Oof, sucks to be her" Minho bit his lip, his balled fist on his face.

"Well she sucks, soooo. . ." Seungmin clicked his tongue, with a sly grin.

I'm sorry
I was. . .angry
Cause I also need a shirt like that

"The amount of time I've face palmed in one sitting" Changbin sighed.

"Yah!! Your forehead is red" Hyunjin laugh, slapping his knee.

"Let's just see her reply" Felix said, using his other hand to calm Hyunjin down.

Innie Jr
Yeah? lol, sucks to be you

"I am not surprised" Seungmin deadpanned.

Hey, can I ask you a question?
If you don't mind

Innie Jr
I do mind, but go on

Jeongin turned to his hyung, his lips pursed and his brows up. "What?" Chan questioned.

"How do I ask?" The maknae croaked.

"First of all, wasn't this my idea?" Jisung raised a hand up. "Second, didn't you plan ahead?"

"I never thought I'd get this far" Jeongin panicked.

Changbin face palmed for the one millionth time. "Okay okay, type this. . ."

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