QnA: Yang Jeongin

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He's an adorable baby, he eats his food in one bite and he can speak Korean, drumroll please for. . . .Lee Minho

Just kidding

Jeonginnie!!! Lesssss goooo

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Q1) You're so adorable, I wanna pinch your cheeks.

Jeongin: I'm not the one with puffy cheeks, try Jisung

Jisung: Which cheeks tho 😏

Hyunjin: Oml get out-

Q2) Are you really innocent or just pretending like mentioned in the next chapter 🤔

Jeongin: I don't know what you're talking about 😊

Changbin: He's so good at pretending

Minho: Let's threaten him *brings out knife*

Chan: Minho noooo

Minho: *Cuts cake* Talk, if you want to have some, kid.

Chan: Ohh, I was worried

Jeongin: Can I have a piece?

Changbin: No, cakes are for talkers

Seungmin: *Sighs in plotting murder*

Q3) Why you so cute?

Hyunjin: What I'm saying

Chan: What I'm saying

Felix: What I'm saying

Changbin: What I'm saying

Jisung: What I'm saying

Seungmin: Hyunsunglix being normal for once

Q4) Will you marry me?

Jeongin: Lemme think . . .hmmm

Hyunjin: Omg he's thinking, its so adorable

Jisung: Makes me want to put him in my pocket

Felix: So adorable, I'm crying

Seungmin: I knew you guys being normal wouldn't last

Q5) Why you so bipolar?

Jeongin: I'm not, I'm always sweet 😇

Chan: He's an innocent baby

Jeongin: Yeahhhhhh, nobody asked you, grandpa

Minho: Good, come over to the dark side, mwahahahahahahaha

Q6) Was the bundle actually a one time thing?

Jeongin: *Hides piles of bundle*

Minho: He's part of the cult now

Chan: You're a bad influence

Seungmin: You're a bald influence

Chan: *Weeps*

Q7) As the maknae of stray kids who do you ship most in the group chat?

Changbin: He didn't ship once?

Seungmin: He did ship Chanlix once

Jeongin: Hello? This is my question

Minho: You don't say

Hyunjin: Actually chief, its text 🤓

Minho: 180° for 20 minutes

Q7) Who do you ship Yin with? (please say Seungmin)

Jeongin: I would easily say Seungmin, but no. Imma say Felix

Minho: Dang, I'm so proud

Seungmin: Pfft, whatever

Hyunjin: Aww, Minnie is je-

Seungmin: *Locks closet and throws the key in an active volcano*

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Maknae on top, baby
Yinnie next 😭, I can't even
So STAY tuned

Anyways hi, how are you?
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Thanks a lot!

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